
Please join us at 9.30am or 11am on Sunday mornings in the Kirk (Creche and Sunday Clubs at the 11am service).     Also at  6.30 for 7pm in the Kirk Centre for Cafe Church (check Sunday Preview for variations).   ALL ARE WELCOME AT ANY OF THESE SERVICES.

We stream our 11am service on Zoom every Sunday for those who cannot make it into the church.  If you would like to join us or would just like some more information please contact John Young or Gary Ross our Roll Keeper.

The church at Liberton is a big, friendly, family affair, with a heart for God, for each other, and for our community. While we meet together to worship on Sundays, there are also plenty of opportunities for us to bump into each other during the week.

If you were to ask what our priorities are, they are captured in our vision statement. We aim to be a biblical community united in our knowledge and experience of God’s awesome love, and in our commitment to share it, particularly with outsiders and strangers.

Sunday worship is varied to suit different styles and experiences. We have an early service at 9.30am which is quieter and more formal, followed by an 11am service geared towards all ages, and our evening service in the Kirk Centre (6.30pm for refreshments, worship at 7pm) is relaxed, with the opportunity afterwards for further conversation and prayer.   (On the last Sunday in the month the evening service is joint with other local churches at different venues.)   In the months of July and August we have one Sunday morning service only at 10.30am, and there is not always Sunday evening worship – details on the notice boards or Sunday Preview.

During the week we encourage closer fellowship through our many and varied Link groups. We also run toddlers’ services and Messy Church once a month, and there is a Club for teenagers on a Monday night.

Our halls were designed to provide a centre for the whole community, and are a great place to meet up, particularly when the café is open.   There is a huge variety of local people doing a huge variety of activities for all ages, ranging from Rainbows, Beavers and Anchor Boys to the Senior Citizens Club and from Scottish Country Dancing to Zumba.   There is a great deal going on and if you would like to get involved there are plenty of opportunities for you to do so.