Celtic Devotions 23rd December

Reading :   John 15 vs 1-17
Meditation :  consider Jesus’ words here
– are we producing lasting fruit in our life and work as His friends?
And then Pray to Him in response – to be a fruitful and faithful friend
Lord Jesus,
I am amazed that You call me friend- thank you thank you!
I am humbled that You want me to bear fruit for You – use me use me!
Lord, I need the help of Your Holy Spirit – today today!
Amen – we pray together in Jesus’ name.

Pray for those dreading Christmas Day, for various reasons, in our city.
LORD of hope, hear our prayers.

Reading :  John 15 v 15
Reflect on ‘What a Friend we have in Jesus’
And then humbly Pray to Him in response.
LORD, hear my prayer.