Celtic Devotions 27th December

Reading :  John 17 vs 6-19
Meditation :  consider Jesus’ prayer for His disciples
Pray to this Jesus, as one of His followers
Lord Jesus, my Lord,
I read these words
Help me understand them
And make me a living part of Your plans
Among Your people – In our world
With Your joy!
In Your name I ask, Amen.

Pray the Prayer of the Kirk Member this month as your prayer.
LORD, hear my prayer

Reading :  John 17 v 13
Reflect on these words again and then pray in response – with joy!
LORD, my God,
For all of today I thank You.
As I have opened my lips to praise You
So may my heart be ever open to Your Kingdom purposes.
And may Your joy ever be mine, even overflowing to others!
Amen I pray at the end of the day.