Celtic Devotions 31st December

Reading :  John 21
Meditation :  consider Jesus’ questions to Peter – how do we respond to them?
and Pray in response, confessing failed love in 2015 but seeking a truer love for Jesus in 2016
Saviour God of love undeserved,
Thank you for reaching out to me!
As this year ends and another begins
Use me, even me, even today, to tell others of Your Good News in Jesus!
Amen we pray together this particular day.

Pray the words of the Prayer for the Month….at the end of this year.
Faithful God, in Your mercy, hear our prayers.

Reading :  John 21 vs 24-25
Reflect on these words again and Pray in response,
Giving thanks for John’s words, for all those who read them this month, and for Jesus above all!
O God, our God, our Faithful God, hear our evening prayers.