From the day they are born children are loved and cherished members of God’s family, and we want them and all their families to feel at home in Liberton Kirk.
In Church
Children are very welcome at any of our services. There is a welcome leaflet (look for the big “Hello!”) which explains where things are in the church which you might need. During the 11am Sunday service there is a crèche in the halls for under-threes, and older children have their own programmes for part of the service, or once a month for the whole of the service.
For more information on Messy Church, a monthly event specially for young families (children 0 – P7), visit its web page.
Liberton Kirk Toddlers
We meet on Wednesdays 10am to 11.30am during term time.
We have a large selection of toys and a baby space. It costs £2 per family. Snack for adults and children available.
We do have a waiting list, so please contact Laura to book a place.
The fun doesn’t have to stop there, Why not visit the cafe for lunch, available from 12pm to 1.30pm. For more info and an idea of what’s on offer go to the Kirkgate Cafe’s page.
Pram Praise
This is a short time of worship specially for the under-threes, although their carers are welcome too and seem to enjoy it! There are action songs, a story, something to make and take home, prayers to join in, and shakers to make a noise in the last songs. Don’t miss it! Dates on noticeboards or flyers. There is a break in the summer for the school holidays.
- Monthly on Wednesday in the Small Hall, 11am to 11.20am
Nursery Sunday Club
For three-year-olds up to the point where they join Primary School, this is held in the Small Hall on Sunday mornings during the 11am service. Children join the first part of the church service and parents can go to the halls with their children until they are happy to be left.
There are Sunday Clubs for children from 3 to teenage, all held during the 11am Sunday service. To find out about these or about our youth clubs contact Emily Kerrigan.
Laura is available to chat about any of these groups or other family related questions, her details are on the About Us page.