John Young
Email: JYoung@churchofscotland.org.uk
Phone: 0131 664 3067
Born in Pakistan, but did most of his growing up in Scotland. Loves his family, music, Italy, and rabbits. Never wanted to be a minister but now thinks it’s the best job in the world. There is nothing better than being able to use the gifts God has given you for His glory. |
Emily Kerrigan
Youth Worker
Email: youthandchildrensworker@libertonkirk.net
Emily grew up in a non-Christian household and through local mission and relationships with youth workers in Liberton became a Christian at the age of 14. She has volunteered at local Christian run groups since she was 16, and hopes to spend many more years teaching youth about Christ. |

Facilities Co-ordinator (Weekdays)
Email: facilities@libertonkirk.net
Facilities Phone: 07478 111407 |
Linda Wright
Pastoral Worker
Email: lwright@libertonkirk.net
Phone: 07850 411 596
Working in the kirk centre to meet families and offer support. Love walking and getting to know the local community. Not too old to learn something new, would like to learn to skate |
Olaf van Dijke
Facilities Co-ordinator (Weekends)
Email: churchsecretary@libertonkirk.net
Facilities Phone: 07478 111407
Chris Brandie
Session Clerk
Email: sessionclerk@libertonkirk.net
Phone: 0131 664 8264
The Session Clerk is the one who makes sure the church functions and tries to keep everybody happy at the same time |
Gary Ross
Roll Keeper
Email: rollkeeper@libertonkirk.net
Phone: 0131 672 1314
I maintain the church membership records and the Elders/District records. So if you change address let me know!
Calum Gubby
Organist & Choirmaster
Email: calumgubby@blueyonder.co.uk
Phone: 07952 902 292
Calum was Sub-Organist of Craigmillar Park Church and deputized at churches around Edinburgh before arriving at Liberton Kirk in January 2013. He enjoys assisting John and Ruth through the glory of music, and sometimes plays the Clarinet in the Praise Band. Calum played the organ at Mortonhall Crematorium during his student years before seeking employment as an accountant – nobody’s perfect. |
Jenny Thomasi
Kirkgate Café Manager
Email: kirkgatecafe@libertonkirk.net
Phone: 07743 469061
I am a mum to two boys, who keep me very busy. I am a local girl and have lived in the South East of Edinburgh since a young girl. Being able to work in the community that I adore is a privilege. I love the idea of Kirkgate Café being a warm and safe place for everyone who comes along. |
Laura Skinner
Preschool Children and Families Outreach Worker
Digital Media Manager
Email (preschool): laura@libertonkirk.net
Email (digital): online@libertonkirk.net
Phone: 07305 651 592
I work with families and preschool children at Liberton and I also manage our online presence.
Rink van Dijke
Link Groups Coordinator
Email: rink@talktalk.net
Phone: 0131 664 2178
At Liberton we encourage folks to get involved in one of our regular Link groups – linking upwards to God, inwards to each other and outwards to others. These meet at different places and times of the week, and vary in frequency to suit the folks who come. As well as opportunities to get to know people better, they are places where you can deepen your faith and find support for issues which may arise in your day to day life. Contact Rink for more details. |