Daily Devotions for Friday 8th July, 2022

Look Upward and Pray to hear and receive from Jesus

Reading : ISAIAH chapter 8

Meditation : consider these words this morning.
A Sign.

What is God teaching/reminding you today – about Himself? about His ways?

And then Pray in response – as God leads you
Pray to this God to bless others on your prayer list in these days

Amen – we pray together.


Pray God’s blessing on His People in SE Edinburgh
Father God, hear our prayers, have mercy and bless each and all real good we ask.

Reading : read this passage again from ISAIAH chapter 8
Reflect on the words you have just read and pray in response

Lord Jesus, hear our evening prayers as we respond to these words
Build your Church, Lord
Make us strong, Lord.
And bring a blessing to those in need this evening we ask.

Daily Devotions for Thursday 7th July, 2022

Look Upward and Pray to hear and receive from Father God

Reading : ISAIAH 7 verses 1-25

Meditation : take time and carefully consider these particular verses.
A Message for King Ahaz.

What do the words mean to you?
Which words stay with you as you turn to prayer?

Then pray in response to the LORD as your day starts
Giving thanks for Immanuel. God with us.
God with you.

In Jesus’ name. Amen and Amen.

Pray God’s blessing on colleagues and friends.
Name them one by one before God.
Lord, hear our prayers and bless each and all real good we ask.
Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done in their lives

Reading : read these particular verses again from ISAIAH 7 verses 1-25
Reflect on the words spoken here – and what God is saying to you now.
Pray in response to this God who is the God Immanuel.

O LORD, hear our evening prayers as this day closes
As we praise you for who You are
As we return our thanks to You.
As we humbly confess our sins
As we lay all we are and have before You
In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Daily Devotions for Wednesday 6th July, 2022

Look Upward and Pray to hear and receive from Jesus

Reading : ISAIAH chapter 6

Meditation : consider this chapter this morning.
Isaiah in the Temple.
Holy, Holy, Holy.

What is God saying to you today about Himself as your day starts?
Is there a response God is asking of you?

And then pray in response – to this God of ours
Looking again at verses 5-8 as you turn to prayer

O LORD our God,
Holy, Holy, Holy.

We pause in Your presence.

We bow before You
We confess to You
We live to serve You
Where You send us

Hear our morning prayers
In Jesus’ name,
Amen and amen

Pray God’s blessing on your neighbours
Name them one by one before God
LORD, hear our prayers and give blessing real good we ask.

Reading : read these set verses again from ISAIAH chapter 6
Humbly reflect on what you read and then pray in response –
for yourself and for others seeking God’s presence at this time

LORD God, Holy God,
Hear our many different prayers
As we thank you for your call on our lives
And for the blessings of this day
In Jesus’ name, Amen.