Discovery Prayer – Sunday 24th March

23rd March - Discovery Prayer

“Holy God, we thank you that you are the God of justice and truth. We pray for your guidance and encouragement for all who are called to ensure that we live in a fair and just society. Bless all those who uphold the law, and guide and protect our local police as they. May they know your presence as they play their part in making our community a safe and peaceful place to live.”


Lindsay first heard the phrase, “TGIF”, long before it was known to me. It was used by the nuns who taught at a local school near where she grew up. These days it is used everywhere. I’m sure it strikes a chord, not just with those who have devoted their lives to teaching, but with all those whose working weeks begin on Monday morning and last until Friday afternoon. It’s a phrase that captures that sense of relief that the weekend is here at last. TGIF! Thank God it’s Friday!

Friday is a special day for all sorts of reasons. It was on a Friday 15 years ago that a bunch of local Christians set out on a prayer walk from the different parts of South East Edinburgh where they lived and worshipped. As they walked they joined up with other Christians from other churches, and, like streams flowing together, their processions grew larger and larger converging on the grassy area opposite Mt Vernon Cemetery. As one of the walkers that day, I remember how we arrived, carrying our crosses, and looked up to see similar groups making their way towards us from different directions.

We were about 40 in number by the time everyone had arrived, and we represented a variety of local churches. We sang some well known hymns and songs and prayed together, before each leader then took it in turn to share what that day meant to them. It was Mike Fallon a local priest, who summed it all up. “I’m not quite sure what I’m doing here”, he said, “but I do know it is significant. Because at this very moment something very significant is happening across the Irish Sea, and in our small way I feel part of it.” It was Good Friday, 1999 – the day of the signing of the Good Friday Peace Agreement. It was the day ‘The troubles’ were officially brought to an end.

Since that day we have made the Good Friday Prayer Walk an annual event, and over the years the numbers have crept up. Last year there were over 150 of us who ended up outside Morrison’s on Gilmerton Road, representing churches throughout the area and beyond. This year we will be there again. We meet, we sing, and we pray together. And we listen once again to the story of that first Good Friday, when someone did something remarkable for us; something which changed the world. Here are the words of one of the hymns we will sing.

There is a green hill, far away
Outside a city wall
Where the dear Lord was crucified
Who died to save us all

Thank God it’s Friday!
Much love

Discovery Prayer – Sunday 16th March

16th March - Discovery Prayer

This week’s Discovery prayer…
“Sovereign God, we pray for our MPs, MSPs, Local Councillors, and all those involved in government. May their decision making be open to your guidance and in keeping with your principles. May they be faithful to all members of the communities they serve.”

Discovery Prayer – Sunday 9th March

9th March - Discovery Prayer

This week’s Discovery prayer…
“Loving God, we thank you that you are the God of work, who is at work in the world.
We pray for all those in our community who will be at work in the week to come, asking that you encourage and protect them in all they do.
We pray to for those who are looking for work, that you would open the right doors for them; and for those who are resting from work, that they would know your refreshment and strength.”

Discovery Prayer

This is the Discovery Prayer and card for this week you will be able to pick up a hard copy of the pillars and guide at the services tomorrow.

It’s good to be a Grandad!

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After a long wait and much prayer, Holly Grace Elizabeth Bull arrived at 11.52am on Monday 23rd December weighing 7lbs and 11oz. Lucy and Niven had come round to the manse first thing, on their way to the hospital, and Lindsay had gone along with them to help. I still had my watch night sermon to work on, and I was just finishing when the phone rang. I picked it up to hear Lindsay’s voice. All she said was ‘It’s a girl!’

It’s astonishing how much a grandchild can change your life. All the young people now take great delight in calling me ‘Grandpa John!’ I carry Holly’s photos on my phone and have mastered the art of how to find them so I can show her off to the many people who ask (and often to the people who don’t ask too). My conversations, whether with the neighbours next door or the local head teacher, now generally start with a discussion of how she is, and a conversation about babies in general.

Our days are now divided into ordinary days and ‘Holly days’. Our lives are taken up with the smallest details of her life. Is she feeding properly? Did she sleep last night? Is she putting on weight? Not to mention her first bath, her first time out in the pram, her first time on a bus, her first time on a train. All these events have to be shared and discussed.

Our house is slowly being invaded by Holly’s things. These range from a spare changing mat and blankets, to a spare bouncy chair and buggy which was donated by a friend – ‘for the times when she is staying over’. We have been overwhelmed by cards and gifts, acting as a staging post for them on their way to the Bull family home in Mewadowbank. Every day she seems to be wearing a different outfit. I had no idea babies had such an eye for fashion. She even has her own Manchester United team shirt (size one), so that she and her daddy can sit and watch the match together.

And all of this began just a few short hours before we, at Liberton and across the world, gathered to celebrate the birth of another child – one who has changed countless lives over the years. Christmas Day has come and gone, but God’s gift of children remains, a constant reminder of God’s love and grace.

Much love,



Loving Father,

We pray for families throughout the world, as they share in the joy of watching children grow. We pray especially for those who are finding it hard just now – the poor, the refugee, and those who have little support.

Open our eyes to ways in which we can make a difference in the lives of others, sharing in the love you have made real to us in Jesus.

Through Jesus Christ our Lord
