

Welcome to Liberton Kirk Guild

The Guild meetings are open to everyone.

                                                   GUILD NEWS

                                                   ALL WELCOME!

 The Church of Scotland Guild is a movement within the Church of Scotland which invites and encourages both women and men to commit their lives to Jesus Christ and enables them to express their faith in worship, prayer and action.

The Guild’s Motto which is taken from Acts chapter 27 verse23 is “Whose we are and whom we serve”

The focus of the Guild’s work is to journey together with our communities, nation, and world, both in sharing our faith and resources, and in doing everything in our power to bring about positive change.

With around 17000 members, the Guild is one of Scotland’s largest voluntary organisations. Although attended mainly by women, increasingly men are becoming members and taking active roles in the Guild, as is the case here at Liberton Kirk Guild.

The Guild at Liberton Kirk begins in October and finishes at the end of March. It meets at 7.30pm on the first and third Mondays of the month in the Kirk Centre, apart from January, when there is only one meeting. There will also be two afternoon meetings, one in December and one in March, as well as the evening meetings in both these months. Each meeting usually has a speaker, followed by a time to socialise afterwards over a cup of tea or coffee. We hold two coffee mornings during each session to raise money for the Guild Projects that we have chosen to support and we  enjoy an Afternoon  Outing in May.

 Our new syllabus is based on the National Guild Strategy for this session –” Let us us Build a House”  with this session’s theme being “Sure Foundations”

   You can uplift a copy of this syllabus from the shelf just inside the entrance to the Kirk Centre. Guild and on the Welcome Desks in the Church .Guild information can also be found on the church’s website, on the church and Kirk Centre noticeboards and in the monthly church magazine.

More details of the first meeting will be in the October  church magazine.

The Guild Convener, Gladys Montgomery and the Guild Committee extend a warm welcome to you the Guild this session. All are welcome.

The Guild Capitation Fee is £16 , we hope to collect this by bank transfer as in previous years.

Bank Details   are  sort code   800273            Account number     00492180

Jill is also happy to accept cheques and cash.

We will continue to collect £3 for each meeting attended.

The monies from the Capitation Fees   go directly to Edinburgh Guilds Together to maintain the viability of the Guild and our projects.

Moira Cocksedge  (Secretary)  Tel  0131-662-0692

LK Guild Syllabus LK Guild Syllabus 2024-25 FINAL WEB (2)

Gift Aid       Jill Niven,  Treasurer , is reminding everyone who is a Tax Payer that the Guild can claim Gift Aid on the Capitation Fee that the Guild pays to the Guild Office at 121 George Street and on any donations that are given. We can reclaim 25% for the Capitation Fee.

A Gift Aid Form has been downloaded. If you have previously completed one you do not need to do another unless your circumstances have changed. If you have already done a Gift Aid Form for the Kirk you will have to do a separate one for the Guild. They are slightly different.

Any questions and for returning completed forms contact Jill Niven  on       664-2848    or post or hand in to 8 Greenend Drive EH177QG     or the Church Office.
Gift Aid Form – Guild


Dates for Diaries       

Ruth Davies led a walk round the local area on Saturday 7th September ending up at Inch House.

For more information  re Inch House

Guild Display      Guild September 2024 (1)

This can also be seen in the Offering House.

Knitted Gospel by Irene Malcolm   on Saturday 21st September  2024 at 14:00 in the Kirk Centre. Come and hear all about this and how it was produced. Refreshments will be served,