Thy Kingdom Come – tomorrow!

Will you join with others? 11 days from Ascension Day – Pentecost Sunday.

Have you your copy of the Prayer Journal or Novena or Bookmark?

There will be morning reflections online from ThyKingdomCome….and an evening reflection from members of our Church Family on our social media and website at 7pm

Daily Devotions for Wednesday 17th May, 2023

Look Upward and Pray to hear and receive from God, the Three in One

Reading : REVELATION chapter 19
Amen, Hallelujah!
Our Lord God Almighty reigns!

What words stays with you?
What is God teaching/reminding you about Himself?

Then pray and praise in response to this God of ours – the Lord God Almighty!
Pray with confidence
Pray with honesty
Pray with humility

In Jesus’ name
Amen and amen!

Pray God’s blessing on the Big Idea Church Family Group
O LORD, hear our prayers and bless them all real good we ask.

Reading : read the verses again from REVELATION chapter 19
Reflect on the words you read and then pray in response

Amen, Hallelujah!
Our Lord God Almighty reigns!

LORD God Almighty, our God, hear our varied prayers
As we bow before you this evening
As we thank you for all you have provided this day
As we thank you for your Church worldwide
In Jesus’ name, Amen!

Midday Prayer with Others

On this Tuesday in May – you are invited to pause and pray where you are with those gathered in the Upper Room today

P-ause with God
R-ejoice in His blessings given
A-sk for the needs of our church family, the SEECofS churches, our nation and our world at this time – especially the people and leaders of Sudan, Ukraine, Turkey and Syria
Y-ield to His Kingdom ways

Daily Devotions for Tuesday 16th May, 2023

Upper Room day – time-out with God

Look Upward and Pray to hear and receive from Father God

Reading : REVELATION 12 verses 7-18
Meditation : consider this short passage as your day starts.
Michael. Angels.
The Kingdom of our God.

What do the words mean for you in your life at this time?
Is there somewhere you need God to win a battle?

Take time to Pray in response to the LORD our God
Trusting in Him as you step into this day
Naming others in a spiritual battle at this time.

In Jesus’ Name

Take time to listen for God to speak with you at this time of day
‘Thy Kingdom come’ Father God
LORD our God…thank you.

Reading : read the passage again from REVELATION 12 verses 7-18
Reflect on the words…. And then pray to this God in response

Lord Jesus, Son of God, Light of the World,
Hear our evening prayers,
As we return our thanks to you.
As we look back on our day
As we trust you for tomorrow
As we now rest in You this evening
Amen and Amen.