Daily Devotions for Saturday 28th December, 2024

Look Upward and Pray to hear and receive from God, the Holy Spirit

Reading : REVELATION chapter 15
Meditation : take time and consider all that is said here.
The angels.
The song of the Lamb!

And then take time to Pray in response to this LORD God Almighty
Praying for those struggling to believe in this Jesus

O LORD our God
Receive our morning sacrifice of praise
Hear our cries this morning
Amen we pray together this new day.

Pray the Lord’s Prayer as your own midday prayer

Our Father, who art in heaven
Hallowed be Your Name.
Your kingdom come
Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread
And forgive us our sins
As we forgive those who sin against us.
Lead us not into temptation
But deliver us from evil.
For Yours is the kingdom, the power and the glory.
Now and for ever

Reading : read the verses again from REVELATION chapter 15

Reflect on the truths behind the words…. and then Pray in response to what you have read
For yourself and for others

As I bow before You, LORD God Almighty
I bring my evening praise
I name others before You
I trust You for tomorrow

In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Daily Devotions for Tuesday 6th June, 2023

Upper Room day – time-out with God

Look Upward and Pray to hear and receive from Jesus, Saviour and Lord

Reading : LUKE 2 verses 8-22

What do the events here mean to you at this time?
What is God saying to you from this passage?

Take time to Pray in response – including for others known to you seeking God at this time
Asking….seeking…knocking….for our world, our nation.

We can but worship you this day O LORD
As we thank you for sending Jesus from heaven to earth.
We can but ask for those in need or trouble this day O LORD
As we call out to you for our world in these days
In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Take time to listen for God to speak with you at this time of day
Ask and seek and knock……and hear
Father God…thank you.

Reading : read these verses again from LUKE 2 verses 8-22
Reflect…. and then Pray as your day closes

God of yesteryear and the God of today,
The God of joy and hope,
My God, our God,
Hear our evening prayers
As we thank you for your help today
As we journey from today to tomorrow
As we name others we care about before you
In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Daily Devotions for Tuesday 16th May, 2023

Upper Room day – time-out with God

Look Upward and Pray to hear and receive from Father God

Reading : REVELATION 12 verses 7-18
Meditation : consider this short passage as your day starts.
Michael. Angels.
The Kingdom of our God.

What do the words mean for you in your life at this time?
Is there somewhere you need God to win a battle?

Take time to Pray in response to the LORD our God
Trusting in Him as you step into this day
Naming others in a spiritual battle at this time.

In Jesus’ Name

Take time to listen for God to speak with you at this time of day
‘Thy Kingdom come’ Father God
LORD our God…thank you.

Reading : read the passage again from REVELATION 12 verses 7-18
Reflect on the words…. And then pray to this God in response

Lord Jesus, Son of God, Light of the World,
Hear our evening prayers,
As we return our thanks to you.
As we look back on our day
As we trust you for tomorrow
As we now rest in You this evening
Amen and Amen.