Celtic Devotions 23rd March


Reading :  Psalm 51
Meditation :  consider David’s honest words.
Pray for God’s mercy.
O LORD our God, I humbly bow before you,
With words of confession and petition,
praise and thanksgiving.
I seek Your grace and mercy afresh this morning,
In Jesus’ precious Name,   Amen.

Pray for someone outside of the church family you know.

Reading : Psalm 51 v 15
Reflect on this verse……and open your lips in praise.


Celtic Devotions 22nd March


Reading : 1 Peter 1 vs 3-9
Meditation :  consider how our God wants to bless us in Christ Jesus.
Pray a blessing on our Kirk.
God of daily blessings, bless us even this day.
God of amazing grace, shine upon us.
God of our salvation, thank you for Jesus our Saviour.
In Jesus’ name we ask this for our Kirk and our community, Amen.

Pray a blessing on a fellow disciple.

Reading : 1 Peter 1 vs 8 and 9
Reflect on how God has blessed you this day.
Pray in response with thanksgiving!
O LORD our God, You have richly blessed us
We return our thanks and praise to You alone –
Over and over again!
Turn Your face towards us again we ask –
And pour out blessings in Christ upon us.
In Jesus’ holy name, Amen and Amen we cry.


Celtic Devotions 21st March


Reading :  Ephesians 2 vs 1-0
Meditation :  consider God’s grace to us in Christ Jesus.
Pray with gratitude.
God of all grace, we praise You.
God of all glory, we worship You.
O God who has provided us with a Saviour in Jesus, we humbly thank you.
In and through Christ Jesus we pray, Amen.

Pray for Edinburgh to experience God’s saving grace.

Reading : Ephesians 2 v 4
Reflect on our God ‘who is rich in mercy’
Pray in response to receive.


Celtic Devotions 20th March


Reading : Psalm 107
Meditation :  consider the ups and downs of the people of Israel
Pray a prayer of thanksgiving!
God of Israel – thank you!
God of grace and mercy – thank you!
God of patience and provision– thank you!
For all your ways with Israel, the Church and even me – thank you!
Amen we say this morning.

Pray with thanksgiving for your faith in God – thru all the ups and downs.

Reading : Psalm 107 v 43
Reflect on ‘the great love of the LORD’
And Pray with praise at the end of the day.


Celtic Devotions 19th March


Reading :  Numbers 21 vs 1-9
Meditation :  consider why the bronze snake was made.
Pray with thanksgiving for Jesus, God’s provision.
Thank you merciful God for Jesus.
Thank you gracious God for the cross.
Thank you forgiving God for your salvation.
Lift my eyes upwards again and again.
Even through this day – Amen I pray.

Pray for Jesus to use you to reach out to help others.

Reading : Numbers 21 v 7
Reflect on these words and pray in response.

Celtic Devotions 18th March


Reading : Hebrews 13 vs 20-21
Meditation :  consider these great words.
Pray for God’s Name to be glorified.
Sovereign God be glorified
Above all others
Above my own ambitions
Above the ways of this world
In Jesus’ precious name I pray this day, Amen.

Pray the Lord’s Prayer as your prayer.

Reading : Hebrews 13 vs 20-21
Reflect on these words and pray to ‘the God of Peace’ at the end of your day.