Daily Devotions for Sunday 5th March, 2023

2nd Sunday in Lent

Look Upward and Pray to hear and receive from the Living God

Reading : PSALM 2
Meditation : take time and consider these words this Sunday morning in Lent.
The Nations.
God’s Chosen King.

What words stay with you?
What encourages and challenges you today?

And then pray in response to the LORD our God
Pray your own prayer of praise and thanks.

O LORD our God,
Good and majestic One,
Creator God,
Great and so worthy of praise.
We bow before You.
We lay our lives before You.
In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Pray the Prayer for the Month as your own midday prayer

Dear Lord,
Some of us come to the season of Lent
with an attitude or practice of self denial
to remind us of your 40 days fasting in the desert.
Whether or not we each do this,
please help us all to use this time
to prayerfully examine our way of life and our commitment to You.

Reading : read these verses again from PSALM 2
Reflect on all that is said here in this particular passage and then Pray in response to this God

O LORD, our Great God,
Hear our evening prayers of praise we ask
As we thank you for what we read
As we look back over our day
As we look ahead to tomorrow
As we call out to you for our world
As we name before you those we are concerned about.
In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Daily Devotions for Saturday 10th December, 2022

Look Upward and Pray to hear and receive from God, the Holy Spirit

Reading : ZECHARIAH 9 verses 9-17

Meditation : take time to consider these verses this morning.
The Coming of The King!
What encourages and challenges you today?
What is God saying to you from His Word?

And then Pray in response
With thanksgiving!
With hope!

I look up to you,
Up to heaven, where you rule.

Come, Lord Jesus!

Hear my morning prayer
Hear the morning prayers of your people

In Jesus’ name.

Pray the Prayer for the Month as your own midday prayer

Dear Lord, help us to remember at this time of
Presents and Puddings,
Cards and Chocolates,
Paper hats and Limericks
With all the Glitz of Christmas celebration
That the King of Glory came Humbly into our world.
In Jesus’ name

Reading : read these verses again from ZECHARIAH 9
Reflect on these words as you look back over the day and then Pray in response

And then Pray in response
With thanksgiving!
With hope!

I look up to you,
Up to heaven, where you rule.

Come, Lord Jesus!

Hear my evening prayer
Hear the evening prayers of your people

In Jesus’ name.