Sunday 12th January | Christian Commitments I: Prayer
Sunday 5th January | A time to Choose - Matthew 7: 13-27 | John Young
Sunday 29th December | A Poem for the New Year - Romans 8: 31-39 | Jared Hay
Sunday 22nd December | The Birth - Luke 2.1-20 | John Young
Sunday 15th December | The Journey - Luke 1.39-56 | John Young
Sunday 8th December | Heavenly Voices - Luke 1.26-38 | John Young
Sunday 1st December | The Promised Messiah - Isaiah 42.1-8 | John Young
Sunday 24th November | Encounters with Jesus XIII: Pilate - John 18: 28 -19:16 | John Young
Sunday 17th November | Encounters with Jesus XII: Judas - John13: 18-30 | Gethin Russell-Jones
Sunday 10th November | Encounters with Jesus XI: Pharisees & Sadducees - Matthew 22: 15-33 | John Y
Sunday 3rd November | Encounters with Jesus X: Zacchaeus - Luke 19.1-10 | John Urquhart
Sunday 27th October | Encounters with Jesus IX: A Rich Young Man - Mark 10: 17-31 | John Young
Sunday 20th October | Encounters with Jesus VIII: Little Children - Luke 10: 38-42 | John Young
Sunday 13th October | Encounters with Jesus VII: Mary and Martha - Luke 10: 38-42 | Alastair Cameron
Sunday 6th October | Encounters with Jesus VI: Good and Evil