Youth Update from Andy

Ten Years
There are so few Youth Workers in my privileged position.
I have an inspirational and understanding boss, a caring and supportive church family, abundant opportunities to share God’s love with lost teens and children, and a deep call in my heart to do that here in South Edinburgh. I count all these as a great blessing. Thank you for loving me so deeply and for welcoming my growing family to your hearts. We are delighted by your affection.

Weekly Friday afternoon Transformers clubs continue in Burdiehouse, run by a team of volunteers led by John and Morag Ross, who share the Gospel with the local Primary School children. The Gracemount Primary School club, led by myself with help from KLM and Kirk members, has increased to fortnightly afternoon events, with more than 20 attending.
Through all the fun, games, crafts, DVDs and Dice of Danger, our prayer is still that we see children ‘transformed by the love and power of Jesus’.
Keep praying for God’s growing work.

Delta is also growing just now. Summer saw an influx of new teens through the work of Stage’n’slam and Summer Buzz (you will have seen some new faces on Sunday mornings – have you had the chance to get to know any new names yet?) These boys and girls are now enthusiastically bringing their friends along to join the fun and find out more about the Gospel’s power for them.
New members comment on how loving and non-judgemental the group is. They positively want to be a part of this new life. Please pray for over 50 to attend, for leaders to meet needs, and about how you can love and support these new and vulnerable family members.

Parents met in October to discuss Liberton Kirk’s ministry to our families.
We want to support all our families effectively and to support our families as they bring their friends to church for the first time. Can I leave you with some information and some thoughts?

  1. Summer Buzz will be from August 6-13 next year (last week of the holidays)
  2. Please keep inviting new children who came to Summer Buzz back to Sunday Buzz each month
  3. Please look out for families you know at Christingle and invite them to Messy Church or Sunday Buzz in the New Year
  4. Why not relax with a coffee at Libby’s as you wait for your child to finish their Uniform Group? Share 10 minutes there with a close friend who doesn’t yet know Christ

Thank you, and God bless you all.
