The Companionship of walking with Jesus

Jesus and his followers were companions on a journey which was as much spiritual as it was physical. They were a mixed bunch of individuals, travelling together in the presence of their master. Over the course of their time together they grew in faith and understanding, but also in friendship and trust. They got to know each other really well, they shared in each other’s struggles and they looked after each other’s needs.

On the day of Pentecost the number of Jesus’ followers grew into its thousands, but the pattern did not change. In the early chapters of Acts we were told that, as well as gathering together in larger numbers at the temple, the Christians also continued to meet in each other’s houses, where they ate, shared, learned and prayed together in smaller groups.

This pattern is also repeated here at Liberton Kirk today. Sunday tends to be the day when we gather together in large numbers, but during the week groups of us meet together in each other’s houses. It is here that real friendships can develop, as the small numbers allows us to share, learn and support each other on their faith journey.

Back in January 2011, the Kirk Session (our leadership team) agreed that everyone at Liberton Kirk should be encouraged to get involved in a house group. To help this happen, the Kirk Session also agreed to hold an annual ‘Whole Church’ Study’, when the themes of Sunday morning worship were adopted by the house groups, so that people would have a chance to discuss and apply what they had heard*. The Whole Church Study is an opportunity for those who have not yet experienced the small group discussion to give it a go. Because the series is for a set number of weeks, it means that involvement is time limited if you discover this sort of thing is not for you.

The Theme for our next Whole Church Study will be ‘The marks of a healthy church’. Following extensive research into a number of successful churches, it has been discovered that, although they were of different sizes and theological backgrounds, they all had certain characteristics in common. We will be asking ‘What are these characteristics, and how evident are they in our church’s life here in Liberton?’

Why am I telling you this? My main reasons is simply to encourage you, if you haven’t already done so, to get involved in one of the small groups meeting throughout September and October to discuss and reflect upon these things**. It will be an eight week commitment, but I can promise that it will be time well spent. As well as helping to focus on the things that matter most in our church’s life, it will give you the chance to experience first-hand what the companionship of following Jesus is all about.

Much love


* Past Whole Church Studies have included J. John’s ‘JUST10’ series, the ‘Green Bible’, and ‘The Provocative Church’.

**There will be sign up lists at the Welcome Desks, and, for more details of the groups – see the ‘What’s on’ page of the Website, or contact Rink on 664 2178 /