Celtic Devotions 5th June


Reading :  2 Corinthians 4 vs 7-18
Meditation :   consider being a jar of clay – what does this mean?
Pray to persevere in hope.
All my hope is in You,
For I am weak, cracked and weary.
Strengthen me, heal me, use me
And grant me hope in Jesus
For all that You have stored up in eternity with You!
Amen – this is my prayer.

Pray the Prayer of the Kirk member this month – as your prayer.
Amen together we say.

Reading :  2 Corinthians 4 v 18
Reflect on the unseen that Paul is talking about
And Pray at the end of the day – to hope.

Just imagine!

In the coming months, we will all have the chance to take part in the re-enactment of a well-known parable in the streets and lanes of Liberton. It’s a parable Jesus once told, of a man who prepared a great feast. When none of the invited guests wanted to come, his response was to send his servants out into the streets and alleys of the town, and into the country lanes and byways, and invite whoever they found (see Luke 14).

This summer we will have the opportunity to take on the role of these servants not just once but three times, in a modern day version of this parable. Our task will be to deliver the following sets of invitations:

  • Firstly, as part of our bicentenary celebrations we will be inviting all the residents of our parish to a special Community Tea on the 13th of June
  • Secondly, we will be inviting all local children to our annual Holiday Club which will take place at the beginning of August. (The theme of the club this year will be ‘Frozen’, the hugely successful Disney production which, surprisingly, has caught the imagination of girls and boys alike)
  • Thirdly, we will be inviting everybody to get involved in our full Autumn programme of events and activities, through the parish-wide delivery of the September edition of this magazine, (packed as it will be full of details of all that is going on).

As with parish-wide deliveries of past years, we will need everybody’s help to get these invitations out as quickly as we can, so that no one misses out.

You may well be thinking, “Who is going to pay any attention to just another mail-drop?” Who does or doesn’t pay attention is not for us to say. The important difference between there and other mail-drops is that, for us, this shouldn’t be just about posting things through letter boxes. Rather, it will be our opportunity to pray for every home we deliver them to. (And by prayer, I just mean something simple, like “May God bless you, this year, with the knowledge of his love!”)

Last week’s ‘Celtic Devotions’ included a meditation on Jesus promise to us in John 14, when he said

“You can ask for anything in my name, and I will do it, so that the Son can bring glory to the Father. Yes, ask me for anything in my name, and I will do it!” (John 14.13-14)

Imagine what would happen if every single home in our parish were prayed for, not just once, but three times in the coming months! Imagine what would happen if they were blessed with the knowledge of God’s great love for them, made known in Jesus!

Much love


Celtic Devotions 4th June


Reading :  2 Corinthians 4 vs 1-6
Meditation :  Consider God’s mercy to us through Jesus
Pray for Jesus to shine through you to others.
O God of Amazing Grace that saved a person like me,
Thank you thank you!
O God of perfect light in Christ Jesus
Shine, Jesus, shine even through me this day
That you might have all the glory.
Amen we pray together.

Pray for the work done by Christian Aid across our world.
Amen and amen we cry.

Reading :   2 Corinthians 4 v 1
Reflect on these words of truth written by Paul
Pray in response to your God of mercy.

Celtic Devotions 3rd June


Reading :  Psalm 139 vs 13-24
Meditation : consider God’s searching ways
Pray the words of verse 23
LORD God, our Father God,
Hear these words we humbly pray
And search us afresh this day.
In Jesus’ merciful  name we pray,  Amen.

Pray for the David Hill and the work of Try Praying.
Hear our prayers through Christ our Great High Priest. Amen.

Reading :   Psalm 139 vs 23-24
Reflect on David’s words of trust and Pray verse 24 in response.

Celtic Devotions 2nd June


Reading :  Psalm 139 vs 1-12
Meditation :  consider how well God knows you!
Pray with thanksgiving and to trust Him more.
(Pray your own words
Of worship and trust.)
Amen we pray together

Take time and make the Lord’s Prayer your prayer at this time in the day.
Together, Lord, we say Amen.

Reading : Psalm 139 vs 7-10
Reflect on David’s great and meaningful words.
Pray in response to David’s God – our God

Celtic Devotions 1st June


Reading : 1 Samuel 3
Meditation :  consider Samuel’s experience and that our God speaks to us
Pray for open ears!
God of Samuel and Eli
Thank you that you speak with us.
Teach us to hear
And help us to listen for your voice
Even this new day.
In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Pray for the life and work of Fresh Start as they help others in our city.

Reading : 1 Samuel 3 v 10
Reflect on these words
Pray in response to hear God speak with you