Celtic Devotions 25th May


Reading :   Acts 2 vs 5-13
Meditation :  consider how the people in these verses responded
Ask God a question in your prayer!
O LORD our God,
How we wish we had been there!
Hear all our questions
And pour out Your answers
We pray this day.
Amen amen!

Pray a blessing on Jacqui in the church office

Reading : Acts 2 v 12
Reflect on what Pentecost meant – and means – and pray to receive.

Celtic Devotions 24th May

Reading :  Acts 2 vs 1-4
Meditation :  consider what happened in these verses
and Pray to be a receiver
Father God, thank you for this Sunday.
Thank you for Jesus.
Thank you for the gift of the Holy Spirit.
I open my arms, my mind and soul
To receive all You have for me.
In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Continue to give thanks for Pentecost – the gift of the Holy Spirit

Reading :  Acts 2 v 2
Reflect on how God has blessed you today and pray
Spirit of God
Calm my beating heart
Quieten my anxious soul
Fill me afresh
Through these evening hours
I humbly ask.

Celtic Devotions 23rd May


Reading : Psalm 104 vs 24-35
Meditation :  consider the words of verse 30
Pray in praise for all God’s great works!
LORD God we praise You indeed
For the earth and seas
For creatures large and small
For your goodness and mercy
Even to us.
In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Pray for the church to know a Sunday blessing tomorrow as we gather together

Reading : Psalm 104 vs 33-34
Reflect on these words written years ago and pray in response at the end of your day.

Celtic Devotions 22nd May


Reading : John 16 vs 5-16
Meditation :  consider the work of the Holy Spirit
and Pray
(Your own words
Of thanks for the Holy Spirit
And of needing Him more)
In Jesus’ name

Pray for those who serve us in leading us in worship at Liberton.

Reading : John 16 v 7
Reflect on why Jesus left his disciples – and what this means for you
Pray for understanding

Don’t forget the living stones challenge

On Sunday 3rd May, Ruth presented the plan, as part of our bicentennial celebrations, to build a cairn commemorating all the ‘living stones’ who are, or have been, part of our church family here at Liberton. These stones are already being gathered in, and the plan is to dedicate the resulting cairn after our annual covenant service on Sunday 31st August.cairn

At the beginning of May we also issued the ‘Living Stones Challenge’ – that over the next 12 months, everyone present find another ‘living stone’ to add to our number, so that in a year’s time our numbers will have doubled.

Over the years, Liberton Kirk has proved itself a good place to be. We have a variety of services (on Sundays and other days), a great sense of family, regular Alpha courses, and lots of ways of making people welcome, included, and involved. Together with other churches in our area, we offer God’s love in a variety of ways and projects to the needy, the outcaste, and the stranger. Finally, we have a thriving Kirk Centre, which is the ideal place to meet and get to know a huge variety of people from the local community. All that is needed now is for us to introduce them to Jesus.

How do we do this? Do we bribe, cajole, blackmail, demand, or trick people into becoming part of our worldwide spiritual family? No, we simply ask God to create ‘Kingdom moments’ – moments when His presence breaks into their lives.

So, to be part of the Living Stones Challenge, each one of us needs to commit to the following:

  • To pray each day, that God will create a ‘Kingdom Moment’ for you to be part of
  • And, when you sense that moment has come, to simply allow God to use you to point someone towards Jesus

 “You also, like living stones, are being built into a spiritual house to be a holy priesthood, offering spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ.” (1 Peter 2.5)

Celtic Devotions 21st May


Reading :  John 15 v 26 – 16 v 4
Meditation :  consider the Holy Spirit of truth –
and pray to be a good learner.
Lord Jesus
These are great words
But hard words.
Help me, I pray
By Your Spirit’s teaching
To understand them more and more.
In your name we ask together,  Amen.

Make the Lord’s Prayer your Thursday midday prayer.

Reading : John 15 v 26
Reflect on Father,  Son  and Spirit
and Pray to God, the mysterious Trinity.