Celtic Devotions 21st April


Reading :  Acts 2 vs 42-47
Meditation :  consider the early days of the early Church
Pray to be a sharer
Giving God
Help us
Help me
To be a sharer
At home, work, rest or play.
At church too of course!
In Jesus’ name,  Amen.

Pray for those who serve administering the finances at LK

Reading : Acts 2 vs 42-47
Reflect on what God may be asking of you.
Pray in response – asking for His help

Celtic Devotions 20th April


Reading : Psalm 84
Meditation :  consider living in God’s Presence – as described here
Pray for God’s protection
Pray the words of verses 1 and 2…8 and 9.
Amen we say together.

Pray for someone outside of the church family you know.

Reading : Psalm 84 vs 5-7
Reflect……and Pray for strength to be a pilgrim

Celtic Devotions 19th April


Reading : Luke 24 vs 36-49
Meditation :  consider what the disciples experienced!!
Pray to receive the peace that Jesus offers.

This morning, and all mornings
as we face the day
daunted by expectations others place upon us,
weighed down by burdens, unsure of outcomes,
opposed, alone, afraid;
remind us that you faced all this
and more,
that we might loose these chains that bind us,
rise above and beyond the troubles of this world,
and know peace, your perfect peace.
And now to the One who has overcome all
we bring our thanks and praise. Amen and Amen.

Pray a blessing of peace on a fellow disciple of Jesus

Reading : Luke  24 vs 50-53
Reflect on how God has blessed you this day.
Pray in response with thanksgiving!
O LORD our God, You have richly blessed us even this day,We return our thanks and praise to You alone –
Over and over again!
Thank you for our Risen Saviour!
Thank you for our fellow disciples!
In Jesus’ name, Amen and Amen we pray.

“It’s a different world over there…”

A few weeks back I was able to attend a meeting hosted by the Scottish branch of Open Doors’ – an organisation which supports Christians living in countries where their faith singles them out for discrimination. After the talk I got speaking to the Scottish Director, and, when He discovered I was from Pakistan, he mentioned he had recently visited Lahore, its second largest city.

It was then that the conversation slowed down to a stop. It was as if we had run out of the words needed to express the feelings we both shared. He just looked at me and said, “It’s a completely different world over there, isn’t it?” Yes, I’m afraid it is!

If you were a Christian growing up in Lahore today, your world would be full of unknowns. Who am I going to meet on the bus today, and how will they react? Who is going to come into my shop today, and will I be able to trust them? Will my children be safe at school? Is my job still secure? Will we be able to meet together to worship this week, and will we be safe? Growing up in such an environment, it is surprising that so many are remaining faithful to their beliefs. Even more surprising are the number of Muslims who have turned to Christianity, in full knowledge of the sacrifices involved.

Yet, while there are many uncertainties, there are some things of which you can be sure. You can be sure you will not be treated as an equal. You can be sure that if you give your Muslim neighbour cause to be envious of your home, or land, or job, or simply of your success, the law leaves you vulnerable to a false accusation of blasphemy, (for under Shariah law the word of the Muslim man counts for more than that of any other). You can be sure that if there is any dispute involving a Muslim, you will not be treated fairly, and you can be sure that if you try to protect yourself or your family you will face the wrath of the mob.

But, you can also be sure that you are not alone and not forgotten – that the Church you belong to stretches round the world and is praying for you daily. And you can be sure that “there is nothing in death or in life, nor the present nor the future, nor any powers that can separate you from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus your Lord*.”

Please pray for our brothers and sisters in Pakistan, and throughout the Muslim world.

Much love


P.S. – If you want to hear more about the work of ‘Open Doors’, please come along to Evening Worship on Sunday 10th May, when Heather Westwood will be our guest speaker.

(*from Romans 8.38)

Celtic Devotions 18th April


Reading : 1 John 4 vs 7-21
Meditation :  consider God’s perfect love
Pray to receive
(Pray your own words
Of praise and thanks
Of need and trustTo love God and others more)
In and through Christ Jesus we pray together, Amen.

Pray for Edinburgh to see more of God’s love in action

Reading : 1 John 4 vs 9-11
Reflect on what God is asking of you
Pray in response at the end of your day

Celtic Devotions 17th April


Reading : 1 John 2 vs 15-17
Meditation :  consider what God asks of us here – and
Pray to obey
Father of mercy
Help me
Forgive me
Renew me
Teach me
Empower me
Even this day

Pray with thanksgiving for your faith in God
– thru all the ups and downs of days of light and times of darkness

Reading : 1 John 2 v 17
Reflect on this verse
And Pray humbly in silent response