Celtic Devotions Wednesday 18th


Reading : Mark 1 vs 40-45
Meditation :  consider the leper’s needs.
Pray for compassion.
Thank you Merciful Father God for helping me.
Help me Lord to see others’ needs as they truly are
And move me to help others – even this day.
In Jesus’ precious name, Amen.

Pray the Lord’s Prayer as your prayer.

Reading : Mark 1 v42
Reflect on how Jesus cured the leper and pray in response.

Celtic Devotions Tuesday 17th


Reading :  2 Kings 2 vs 13-25
Meditation :  consider how the people responded to Elisha.
Pray for an open heart to God.
God of all speech, thank you for words.
God of all hearing, thank you for listening.
God of Elisha, help us to hear Your Word and,
God of ours, teach us to put Your Word into action.
Amen and Amen.

Pray for family and friends to hear God’s message in their lives.

Reading : 2 Kings 2 v 14
Reflect on how people in Edinburgh need God – in various ways.
Pray for those who preach God’s Word in our churches.

Celtic Devotions Monday 16th


Reading : 2 Kings 2 vs 1-12
Meditation :   consider how God selects and chose Elisha.
Pray for wisdom.
God of perfect wisdom, teach me.
God of amazing grace, help me.
God of true purpose, use another.
Help me to see Your ways in another’s life – even this day.
In Jesus’ name I pray,  Amen.

Pray for someone you know to receive God’s gift of wisdom.

Reading : 2 Kings 2 v 6
Reflect on how God was with you through the day and give thanks!

Celtic Devotions Sunday 15th


Reading :  1 Kings 19
Meditation :  consider Elijah, the man of God.
Pray to be an Elijah!
God of wind and earthquake, move me.
God of fire and whisper, speak to me.
God of Elijah, use me – even me.

Pray a blessing on JY who was preaching today

Reading : 1 Kings 19 v 12
Reflect on how God has spoken to you today.
Lord God, at the end of this day
I bring my praise, my prayers, my life
And I lay them all down before you.
You have spoken through your Word and your servants.
Help me to trust and obey – every step of the way.
In the Name of Jesus,  Amen.

Celtic Devotions Saturday 14th


Reading : Mark 1 vs 35-39
Meditation :  consider  Jesus’ need for a devotional life.
Pray for time to be with God.
Father God,
Thank you that You are waiting and willing to spend Your time with me.
Help me to walk through this day with You,
O great God of grace and of glory.
In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Pray to be more like Jesus when you are alone, not with others.

Reading : Mark 1 v 35
Reflect on where and when you spend time with God.

Celtic Devotions Friday 13th


Reading :  Mark 1 v29-34
Meditation :   consider Jesus’ healing power.
Pray for Jesus’ healing touch.
God of healing, hear my cry.
God of mercy, heal my heart, mind, soul and body.
God of all hope. I trust in you.
In Jesus’ powerful Name, Amen.

Pray to be more like Jesus when with others.

Reading : Mark 1 v31
Reflect on that woman’s response.
Pray for someone you know who needs Jesus’ healing touch.