Daily Devotions 17th May 2016

Upper Room day


Pray to hear and receive from Father God

Reading : 1 Thessalonians 2 verses 1-16
Meditation : consider how God used Paul….

Pray to be used by God wherever He sends you – even today!
Father, Son and Holy Spirit,
I have read these words.
Thank you for a life surrendered to You.
Here I am.
Use even me I ask.
In Jesus’ Name


Pray a God’s blessing on a church known to you in another country
Father God, hear our prayers 


Reading : read verses 7-9 again

Reflect on these words…. and pray for your church leaders in response!
LORD God, our great God,
Bless those I name before You real good.
For all of today
I thank You.
As with my trust and hope in You alone,
Even for those things that cause me fear and concern at the end of this day,
Help me to rest in Your unfailing love and on Your faithful Word.
In Jesus’ powerful name, Amen.

Daily Devotions 16th May 2016


Pray to hear and receive from the LORD God, the Eternal One

Reading : 1 Thessalonians 1 verses 4-10
Meditation : consider how this church had started – and grown!

Pray around the words of verses 6 and 7 for your church
Thank you for the way you plant and grow churches.
As we open our hearts to You this morning
Teach us more of Your truth
And continue to bless my church I ask.
Amen and amen we pray together this day.


Pray for our needy world in these times
LORD, hear our prayers! 


Reading : read the verses again

Reflect on their meaning and pray in response…with hope!
King of kings, Lord of the Church, hear our evening prayers.

Daily Devotions 15th May 2016


Pray to hear and receive from God, the Holy Spirit, on this PENTECOST Sunday!

Reading : 1 THESSALONIANS 1 verses 1-3
Meditation : take time to consider why Paul, Silas and Timothy were so thankful

Pray in response – with thanksgiving – for God’s grace at work in someone else’s life
Thank You for….so much!
Help me to….trust You more for all You are doing!
Hear my prayer of gratitude this morning
And may this Pentecost be truly Spirit-filled,
In Jesus’ name I ask.


Pray for those who are followers of Jesus in Bangladesh – give thanks for them!
O God, hear our prayers.


Reading : read the opening verses of this letter again

Reflect on the truths beyond the words and then Pray with thanks to our God …
O Father, Son and Holy Spirit, hear our prayers
On this particular day.
Receive our thanks,
Lead and teach us afresh,
And by your Spirit’s help
Do a new thing among us we cry!
In Jesus’ name,   Amen.

Daily Devotions 14th May 2016


Pray to hear and receive from Jesus.

Reading : Colossians 4 verses 7-18
Meditation : consider all those mentioned here….
What would have been written about you??

Now Pray in response…..noting verse 17
O Spirit of God,
How we need You.
Teach us
Lead us
Help us
Fill us
Use us – even today
In Jesus’ name we ask- Amen.


Pray God’s blessing on the work of Scottish Bible Society as they spread God’s Word
LORD, hear our prayers. 


Reading : read verses 12, 17 and 18 again

Reflect on the words written by Paul as his letter ends….. and Pray in response to live like them
Spirit of the Living God, hear our evening prayers.

Daily Devotions 13th May 2016


Pray to hear and receive from the LORD God

Reading :  Colossians 4 verses 2-6
Meditation :  consider what is taught here about prayer

And then put it into practice!
Father God
Teach us to pray
And hear our prayers
That Your kingdom come, your will is done.


Pray for those who have to follow Jesus in secret in Somalia
Amen and Amen, O God hear our prayers.


Reading : read verse 6 again

Reflect on its meaning and then pray…..
O Lord, hear our various prayers at the close of this day.


Daily Devotions 12th May 2016


Pray to hear and receive from God, the Holy Spirit

Reading : Colossians 3 verse 18 – ch.4 verse 1
Meditation : take time and consider what these words mean for you,
your home,your family, your workplace

Pray in response…to keep in step with the Holy Spirit wherever and whenever
Spirit of God
Fall anew on me
Break and melt and mould and fill me
All over again
From the inside out
And guide my daily steps
At work, rest and play
This day I pray
Amen…in Jesus’ Name.


Pray the Prayer for the Month as your midday prayer
(See in the magazine or online under the Prayer tab on LK website)
God of grace and mercy…and hope…. hear our prayers.


Reading : read the verses again

Reflect on these words and then Pray in response for others, family, workplace
Father God, hear my evening prayer.