Celtic Devotions Wednesday 25th


Reading :  Deuteronomy 6 vs 7-9
Meditation :  consider how these verses speak to you.
Pray for someone to share this with.
Triune God, thank you for our community of faith.
Help us to reflect You to our community around us.
Teach us and show us how we do pray.
By your grace and power alone we ask.
Amen we pray together.

Pray for someone outside of the church family you know.

Reading : Deuteronomy 6 v 9
Reflect on your life at home.
Pray in response.

Celtic Devotions Tuesday 24th


Reading : Deuteronomy 6 vs 4-6
Meditation :  consider how God wants all of us, in every part.
Pray for this to be so in your life.
Father God, teach me your ways.
Saviour God, help me trust you more.
Spirit of God, fill me afresh.
That in all things You might have all of me.
In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.

Pray for a longing to know God more.

Reading : Deuteronomy 6 v 5
Reflect on what God is asking of you.
Pray in response – with all of your soul.

Celtic Devotions Monday 23rd


Reading :  Deuteronomy 6 vs 1-3
Meditation :  consider how God wants the best for us and from us.
Pray for a listening ear.
O LORD our God, we bow before you,
With praise and thanksgiving.
As we receive your gifts,
Teach us to hear Your Word
And humbly obey.
Amen we say together.

Pause in silence – say nothing – listen for God to speak with you.

Reading : Deuteronomy 6 v 3
Reflect on what God has been saying to you recently, even today.
Pray in response.

Celtic Devotions Sunday 22nd


Reading : Numbers 6 vs 22-27
Meditation :  consider how our God wants to bless us.
Pray a blessing on our Kirk.
God of wondrous blessings, bless us.
God of amazing grace, shine upon us.
God of perfect peace, turn Your face towards us.
In Jesus’ name we ask this for our Kirk and our community, Amen.

Pray this blessing on a fellow pilgrim.

Reading : Numbers 6 v 27
Reflect on how God has blessed you this day.
Pray in response with thanksgiving!
O LORD our God, You have richly blessed us
Over these 200 years.
We return our thanks and praise to You alone – Over and over again!
Turn Your face towards us again we ask –
And pour out Your treasured-blessings upon us.
In Jesus’ holy name, Amen and Amen we cry.

Celtic Devotions Saturday 21st


Reading :  1 Corinthians 9 vs 24-27
Meditation :  consider how the Christian life is like running a race
Pray to run!!
God of strength, strengthen me.
God of eternity, give me perseverance.
God who alone knows the beginning and the end, help me trust you.
In Jesus’ Name I ask these things, Amen.

Pray to keep on running – pray for ‘stickability’ and stamina!

Reading : 1 Corinthians 9 v 27
Reflect on anything that might be holding you back in the race.
Pray in response.

Celtic Devotions Friday 20th


Reading : 1 Corinthians 9 vs15-23
Meditation :  consider how the Good News of the Gospel is free for all
Pray a prayer of thanksgiving!
God of Calvary – thank you!
God of salvation – thank you!
God of John 3 : 16 – thank you!!
In Jesus’ wonderful name, Amen and Amen.

Pray with thanksgiving for your faith in God (however small or large it is!)

Reading : 1 Corinthians 9 v 19
Reflect on who you shared Jesus with today, by word or action.
Pray for them.