Sunday evening worship

Did you know we host a service on a Sunday evening for worship, teaching and good conversations?
Well if you didn’t, have a look at what’s happening in the next few months by clicking here or even better why not come and join us.
We meet at 6:30pm in the Kirkgate cafe for a cuppa and the service starts at 7pm in the Anderson Hall. You are welcome to come for either or both.

aLPhA is coming!

Alpha Course
Alpha Course


Thursday 1st September……..ALPHA launches new film series worldwide – look out for Bear Grylls posters!

Thursday 8th September……..7.30-9pm………..Introductory evening – come and find out more?

Thursday 15th September…….7-9.30pm………..Alpha course starts – food + questions – anyone can come!

Sign-up sheets now available or contact David Hill or Alastair Cameron or email

Upcoming events – Congregational Focus and Fellowship day

This April there is a great chance to not only spend time together as a congregation from Liberton Kirk but there is a chance to get to know more about the congregation at Barclay Viewforth.

Sam and his team are coming to spend some time with Liberton Kirk and talk about their experiences with huddling, leadership training, and developing strategies as a church for mission to their community.

Afterwards there will be the chance for a time of fun and fellowship and we’ll be ordering food.

If you are interested in joining in then head over to the events page and get more information.