Daily Devotions for Thursday 11th June, 2020

Look Upward and Pray to hear and receive from Father God

Reading : ROMANS 8 verses 18-25

Meditation : take time and carefully consider these words.
The future glory!
What is God saying to you today from His Word today?
Which words will you hold onto?

Then pray in response to the LORD as your day starts
Looking again at verses 24 and 25

(Pray your own words of hope this morning to the LORD our God……..)

In Jesus’ name. Amen and Amen.

Pray God’s blessing on your Link Group members
Or members of a small group in church you are a part of
Lord, hear our prayers and bless each and all real good we ask.

Reading : read these particular verses again from ROMANS 8
Reflect on the words written here – and what God is saying to you now.
Pray in response to this God who has a future ahead for all in Christ

O LORD, hear our evening prayers as this day closes
As we return our thanks to You.
As we humbly confess our sins
As we look ahead to a future glory!
In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Daily Devotions for Wednesday 10th June, 2020

Look Upward and Pray to hear and receive from Jesus

Reading : ROMANS 8 verses 12-17

Meditation : consider these particular words this morning.
Led by the Spirit of God.
What is God saying to you today as your day starts?
Is there a response God is asking of you?

And then pray in response – to this God of ours
Looking again at verse 15 as you turn to prayer

Abba, Father
Let me be
Yours and yours alone
May my will forever be
Yours and yours alone.
In Jesus’ name,

Pray God’s blessing on Kenny, Emily and Laura in these days
LORD, hear our prayers and bless them real good we ask.

Reading : read these set verses again from ROMANS 8
Humbly reflect on what you read and then pray in response – for yourself
and for others you have thought about during this day

LORD God, Father God, hear our many different prayers.
In Jesus’ name, Amen.