Celtic Devotions 15th August


Reading :  Ephesians 6 vs 10-20
Meditation :   take time to consider how God has provided us with the perfect armour
for the battles we daily encounter –
(which piece do you need? Is there a piece missing today for you?)
and then pray to keep it on!
(Pray your own words in response to what you have read and meditated on –
Maybe praying through each piece? )
In and through Christ Jesus we pray this morning, Amen.

Pray the Prayer for the Month as your own prayer.

Reading :  Ephesians 6 vs 18
Reflect ….. and pray …..

Celtic Devotions 14th August


Reading :  Ephesians 6 vs 5-9
Meditation :  consider the teaching given here for the workplace – and then
pray to understand these words in our day and age
Thank you for days of work.
Hear our prayers
For managers and bosses
Colleagues and staff
And help us at Liberton to work aright
For You – and You alone.
Amen we say this morning together.

Pray a blessing on Ruth Davies, our busy church Reader

Reading :  Ephesians 6 v 8
Reflect on this verse
And Pray in response

Celtic Devotions 13th August


Reading :   Ephesians 6 vs 1-4
Meditation :   consider these words – for family life in God’s Kingdom
Pray for the children in our community
LORD God, Father God
Thank you for family, our families.
Keep Your hand on our children,
The children of our community
The children in our nation
And bless them real good we ask.
Amen and amen we say together.

Pray for Jesus to use you to reach out to others in Jesus’ name – even today

Reading :  Ephesians 6 v 4
Reflect on these words and pray to God, our heavenly Father, in response

Celtic Devotions 12th August


Reading :  Ephesians 5 vs 22-33
Meditation :  consider this teaching for us today –
and  pray for a married couple you know – God bless them!
Spirit of the Living God,
Help me understand these words
And bless those I mention now before You…
May our marriages be strong
And lights in a dark world –
In Jesus’ name I ask,   Amen.

Pray a blessing on the work of Self Help Africa, helping others  

Reading :  Ephesians 5 v 25
Reflect on Jesus’ perfect love and pray your evening prayer

Celtic Devotions 11th August


Reading :  Ephesians 5 vs 3-21
Meditation :  consider how to live in order to please God
Pray in response to be more like Jesus
These are hard words
Help me
Help us
To live in the light
Even this day.
Amen I pray in Your precious name.

Make the Lord’s Prayer your midday Prayer

Reading :  Ephesians 5 v 20
Reflect on this verse at the end of your day and pray in response –
giving thanks for something particular

Celtic Devotions 10th August


Reading :  Ephesians 4 vs 17- ch.5 v 2
Meditation : consider what it means to live in the light as Christ’s disciples
Pray to do so – as you pray these words slowly and meaningfully
Lord Jesus –
Take my life
Take my hands
Take my mouth
Take my monies
Take my mind
Take my motives
Take my whole life and shine through me
Even this day.

Pray for someone you know who is struggling in life at this time

Reading :  Ephesians 4 v 29
Reflect … and pray ….