Celtic Devotion 16th June


Reading :  Psalm 104 vs 27-35
Meditation :  consider verse 34 at the start of this day and
Pray to be pleasing to God
Father God
You know and hear all my thoughts
May my meditations be pleasing to You
Even this day
Amen I pray in Jesus’ name.

Make the Lord’s Prayer your midday Prayer

Reading :   Psalm 104 v 33
Reflect on this verse at the end of your day and pray in response.

Celtic Devotions 15th June


Reading :  Psalm 104 vs 19-26
Meditation : consider God’s wisdom – seen in Creation
Pray to trust Him more.
Creator God
We praise You for the moon and sun,
Lions and forest creatures,
The sea and all that live in it.
We praise You for all Your handiwork,
For Your wisdom and Your greatness.
Help us not spoil it this day we pray,

Pray for someone you know who is struggling in life

Reading :  Psalm 104 v 24
Reflect on this verse – and pray in worship to this God

Celtic Devotions 14th June


Reading :  Psalm 104 vs10-18
Meditation :   consider all that God does in these verses – which are you drawn to?
Pray to Him in praise.
(Pray your morning worship to this God in your own words)
Amen and amen we say together.

Pray God’s blessing on another Edinburgh church you know of

Reading :  Psalm 104 v 10
Reflect on this verse and pray to be watered afresh
God of all creation, thank you for this world we enjoy.
Thank you for today, as I count my daily blessings.
Refresh my spirit, I do pray, again and again
Even at this time of day.

Celtic Devotions 13th June


Reading :  Psalm 104 vs 1-9
Meditation :   consider how great God is – David’s God, our God
Pray in worship.
O LORD, our Lord,
Great is your name!
This day
Receive our morning praise
And show us your glory in the heavens and on earth
Moment by moment, hour by hour.
Amen we pray together.

Pray for someone you know in need of God’s peace in their lives..

Reading :  Psalm 104 v 1
Reflect on these words and
Pray in response to the very great LORD God.

Celtic Devotions 12th June


Reading :  Psalm 103
Meditation :  take time….and enjoy this psalm with God, our giving-God
Pray to Him in morning praise
God of outrageous grace,
Thank you that there is enough grace for even me.
I offer my morning praise to You.
I trust the words of verse 8 to be wonderfully true
And I start my day with You, the everlasting LORD.
In Jesus’ Name,  Amen

Say nothing – take time to listen for God to speak with you at this time of the day

Reading :  Psalm 103 vs 20-22
Reflect on these verses – angels and all!
Pray to Him in response – in evening worship

Celtic Devotions 11th June


Reading :  1 Samuel 8
Meditation :   consider what Israel wanted, how Samuel responded and what God said
Pray to God our King
God of Samuel and of Israel,
Teach us Your ways
And help us to serve and please You
Above all others, even ourselves,
That your kingdom may truly be seen on earth.
In Jesus’ Name we pray these words this day,  Amen.

Pray the words of the Lord’s Prayer as your midday prayer

Reading :  1 Samuel 8 v 21
Reflect on what Samuel did
And Pray your words to God, your God