Celtic Devotions 17th May


Reading : Psalm 118 vs 19-29
Meditation :  consider all that this day, which God has made, may hold
And give it all over to Him in your prayer.
God of the psalmist
Hear my morning prayer
And help me to leave it all with you
Even this day.

Pray a blessing on a fellow church family member.

Reading : Psalm 118 v 21
Reflect on how God has recently answered prayer.
Pray in response with thanksgiving!
O LORD our Father God,
What a friend indeed we have in Jesus!
Thank you for hearing my prayers
Thank you for always answering –
For you alone know best.
I rest in you and will turn myself to sleep.
In Jesus’ holy name, Amen and Amen we pray.

Celtic Devotions 16th May


Reading :  Psalm 118 vs 1-7
Meditation :  consider God’s enduring love – to you and to others
And then ‘Give thanks to the LORD for He is good’
God of perfect and enduring love,
We bring our praise and thanks to you –
For this world we live in,
For all you have provided us with,
For Jesus, our Saviour
And all that is ours in Him.
In and through Christ Jesus we pray, Amen.

Pray the Prayer for the Month as your own prayer.

Reading : Psalm 118 v 7
Reflect on how God has helped you this day.
Pray with thanksgiving.

Celtic Devotions 15th May


Reading :  John 14 vs 25-31
Meditation :  consider Jesus’ time plan for us, His disciples
Pray to understand these words.
Lord Jesus
Teach me more about what these words mean, I pray.
Oh how I need the Spirit to guide and lead me
Even this new day.
Amen we say this morning together.

Pray with thanksgiving for the gift of the Holy Spirit – within you.

Reading : John 14 v 26
Reflect on this verse
And Pray at the end of the day to know the Spirit of God more.

Celtic Devotions 14th May


Reading :   John 14 vs 22-24
Meditation :  consider how loving is more than words
Pray to be a faithful disciple.
Jesus my Lord –
Teach me how to love You,
More and more.
Help me to love others,
Even through this day .
Amen I pray.

Pray for Jesus to use you to reach out to others.

Reading : John 14 v 23
Reflect on these words and pray in response to love God more and more

Celtic Devotions 13th May


Reading :  John 14 vs 15-21
Meditation :  consider why we need the Holy Spirit as Jesus’ disciples.
Pray to keep in step with Him this day.
Spirit of the living God
Fall anew and again on me,
On us, the Church of Jesus,
On those I love and care for,
On our nation,
We cry out in Jesus’ name,   Amen.

Pray a blessing on Holyrood and our MSPs.

Reading : John 14 v 15
Reflect on your love for Jesus and pray your evening prayer.

Celtic Devotions 12th May


Reading :  John 14 vs 8-14
Meditation :  consider what Jesus said in verses 12-14
Ask for something in Jesus’ name.
Father God
Thank you that You hear my prayer
In Jesus’ Name.
May the answer bring glory to You.

Make the Lord’s Prayer your midday Prayer

Reading : John 14 v 13
Reflect on this verse and pray in response.