Celtic Devotions 5th May


Reading:  Psalm 80 vs 4-11
Meditation:  consider verse 4
Pray to know what pleases God.
Father God,
I worship you,
I love you,
I want to please you,
Even this day.
Help me I simply pray.

Take time and make the Lord’s Prayer your words of prayer.

Reading : Psalm 80 v 7
Reflect on this verse and give thanks at the end of this day.

Celtic Devotions 4th May


Reading :   Psalm 80 vs 1-3
Meditation :  consider how God shepherds us.
Pray for God to shine His face upon us.
Eternal God and Father,
you create us by your power and redeem us by your love:
guide and strengthen us by your Spirit,
that we may give ourselves in love and service
to one another and to you;
through our Christ our Lord.
Amen we say together.

Pray for someone you know in need of God’s care.

Reading : Psalm 80 v 3

Celtic Devotions 3rd May


Reading :  Psalm 23
Meditation :  consider the beauty of these verses.
Pray in praise!
LORD God, my Shepherd,
I praise you
For leading me, guiding me and restoring my soul.
I trust you
For the valleys and times of enemy attack.
I hope in you
For heaven’s banquet and running oil.
This day and ‘all the days of my life’.
I pray to you alone,  Amen and Amen.

Pray a blessing on the Sunday Club!

Reading : Psalm 23 v 6
Reflect on how God has blessed you this day.
Lord God, at the end of this day
I bring my praise, my prayers, my life
And I lay them all down before you.
You have given me so much and yet
I still need your rod and staff tomorrow and through this week.
So be it – Amen and Amen.

Celtic Devotions 2nd May


Reading :   Isaiah 6 vs 1-8
Meditation :  consider Isaiah’s experience.
Pray to see God.
O LORD our God, enthroned on high,
Filling the whole earth with your glory:
Holy, Holy, Holy is your name, our lips proclaim.
Yet our lips, our hands, our selves are unclean.
So we cry to you
To take our guilt away
Through Jesus Christ, our Saviour.

Pray for all who gather in the Kirk and Centre tomorrow to experience an Isaiah blessing.
Amen we pray together.

Reading : Isaiah 6 v8
Reflect on Isaiah’s response and pray to be like him.

Celtic Devotions 1st May


Reading :  Psalm 6
Meditation :  consider why God gets angry.
Pray the words of verses 1-2 as your prayer.
You are Perfect.
You are Holy.
You are always right.
Help us truly believe this.
Help us live our lives knowing this.
Help us to make you smile this day!
Amen we humbly pray.

Pray the Prayer of the Kirk member this month – as your prayer.
Amen together we say.

Reading : Psalm 6 v 4
Reflect on God’s unfailing love
And Pray at the end of the day – with thanksgiving.

Celtic Devotions 30th April


Reading :  Psalm 5 vs 1-3
Meditation :  consider these words of faith and hope.
Pray ….waiting in expectation for God to answer.
(Pray your morning prayer to God, our King, in your own words)
Amen we pray together.

Pray for a neighbour or colleague in need of hearing God for their situation.
Amen and amen we cry.

Reading : Psalm 5 vs 11-12
Reflect on these words of trust and blessing written by David..
Pray in response and take refuge in the LORD.