Reading : Luke 24 vs 36-49
Meditation : consider what the disciples experienced!!
Pray to receive the peace that Jesus offers.
This morning, and all mornings
as we face the day
daunted by expectations others place upon us,
weighed down by burdens, unsure of outcomes,
opposed, alone, afraid;
remind us that you faced all this
and more,
that we might loose these chains that bind us,
rise above and beyond the troubles of this world,
and know peace, your perfect peace.
And now to the One who has overcome all
we bring our thanks and praise. Amen and Amen.
Pray a blessing of peace on a fellow disciple of Jesus
Reading : Luke 24 vs 50-53
Reflect on how God has blessed you this day.
Pray in response with thanksgiving!
O LORD our God, You have richly blessed us even this day,We return our thanks and praise to You alone –
Over and over again!
Thank you for our Risen Saviour!
Thank you for our fellow disciples!
In Jesus’ name, Amen and Amen we pray.