Celtic Devotions 17th April


Reading : 1 John 2 vs 15-17
Meditation :  consider what God asks of us here – and
Pray to obey
Father of mercy
Help me
Forgive me
Renew me
Teach me
Empower me
Even this day

Pray with thanksgiving for your faith in God
– thru all the ups and downs of days of light and times of darkness

Reading : 1 John 2 v 17
Reflect on this verse
And Pray humbly in silent response

Celtic Devotions 16th April


Reading :   1 John 1
Meditation :  consider Jesus, who lived on earth and
Pray to walk in the light like Him
Thank you merciful God for sending Jesus.
Thank you forgiving God for your plan of salvation in Him.
Help me to live more like Him
Even through this day – Amen I pray.

Pray for Jesus to use you to reach out to help others.

Reading : 1 John 1 vs 8-10
Reflect on these words and pray in confession

Celtic Devotions 15th April


Reading : Isaiah 65 vs 17 -25
Meditation :  consider why God needs to make a new heaven and a new earth and
Pray for a new vision of God at work
Gracious and Powerful LORD God,
Thank you for this world and these skies.
We hope in you for something even better in the future
As you have promised here in these words.
Amen we humbly pray.

Pray the Lord’s Prayer as your prayer.

Reading : Isaiah 65 v 24
Reflect on these amazing words of promise and pray your evening prayer

Celtic Devotions 14th April


Reading :  Psalm 133
Meditation :  consider the blessing unity brings to God’s people
Pray for all churches in our city – that we be one in Christ
God of the Church, thank you for our church.
God of the Church, bless all of our city churches.
God of the Church, use these our churches
In our community, our city, our world.
As one.
Amen and Amen we cry.

Pray for those who work among children and young people at LK

Reading : Psalm 133
Reflect on what encourages or prevents unity and pray in response.

Celtic Devotions 12th April


Reading :   John 20 vs 19-31
Meditation :  consider our resurrected Lord
Pray to Him in praise
Thank you Jesus that you are very much alive!
Hear our morning prayers of praise to you.
And help us to celebrate you
Even as many of us gather together
Amen we say together.

Pray a blessing on Ruth who was preaching today.

Reading : John 20 vs 24-29
Reflect on Thomas’ experience and pray to believe and not to doubt
Lord Jesus
Hear my cry
And help me believe it all
Even at the end of this day.
Amen and amen.