Our Journey – Thy Kingdom Come

As we journey through the global prayer adventure of Thy Kingdom Come, until Pentecost Sunday 5th June, are you travelling with us?

At 8am each morning – a short daily reflection from members of our Prayer Ministry Team – on our YouTube channel, website and social media pages – on 11 various themes!

At 9am each morning – we have been invited to pause and pray for 5 friends, family, neighbours, colleagues to meet with Jesus and know God for themselves.

At 12 midday – we pause and listen/watch to the daily reflection from TKC – if you haven’t seen it already that day.
As well as the main videos there are videos for youth – and there are the Cheeky Pandas for young children!!

At 7pm each evening – we are invited to pause and consider the Prayer Journal page for that day.

At 9pm each evening – we pause and pray with others.

This Tuesday evening we gather in the Kirk to pray together….’Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.’
You are very welcome to join us 7.30-8.30pm

Maybe one or more will work for you each day.
Maybe not.
Don’t worry if not or you have other commitments….or other times suit you better.
God in His Kingdom ways understands!

From Thy Kingdom Come, as part of the commissioning…..
‘This Thursday marks the first of eleven days of Thy Kingdom Come from Ascension Day to Pentecost Sunday. Each year we are invited to join with tens of millions of Christians around the world, and across all denominations in praying specifically for five people we know personally to come to know more of God’s love in Jesus Christ, and to pray that the Holy Spirit will empower us to boldly witness to them of the love, hope and salvation we enjoy.

As we wait in silence,
make us ready for Your coming Spirit.

As we listen to Your word,
make us ready for Your coming Spirit.

As we worship You in majesty,
make us ready for Your coming Spirit.

As we long for Your refreshing,
make us ready for Your coming Spirit.

As we long for Your renewing,
make us ready for Your coming Spirit.

Lord, bless Your world
All And fill us with Your Spirit
Merciful Father,
All accept these prayers for the sake of Your Son,
our Saviour, Jesus Christ. Amen

Cheeky Pandas

Thy Kingdom Come 2022 is coming – 26th May – 5th June
Have you picked up your booklet from the Welcome Desks in the Kirk or the Offering House?
Cheeky Pandas is for younger children – well worth a look and then pass it on!

Thy Kingdom Come is explained in this way on the website…..www.thykingdomcome.global
Thy Kingdom Come is a global prayer movement that invites Christians around the world to pray from Ascension to Pentecost for more people to come to know Jesus.

Since its start in May 2016 God has grown Thy Kingdom Come from a dream of possibility into a movement. Christians from 172 countries have taken part in praying ‘Come Holy Spirit’, so that friends and family, neighbours and colleagues might come to faith in Jesus Christ.

This praying together has been across our diversity and differences as every person, household and church are encouraged to pray in their own way. According to our annual survey findings an astonishing percentage of people said they were praying for family and friends to come to faith in Jesus, and a significant number of people join in for the first time, we recognise there is much more we can do together to help Thy Kingdom Come be fully in the lifeblood of the Church.

During the 11 days of Thy Kingdom Come, it is hoped that everyone who takes part will:
• Deepen their own relationship with Jesus Christ
• Pray for 5 friends or family to come to faith in Jesus
• Pray for the empowerment of the Spirit that we would be effective in our witness

After the very first Ascension Day the disciples gathered with Mary, constantly devoting themselves to prayer while they waited for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost. Like them, our reliance on the gift of the Holy Spirit is total – on our own we can do nothing.

Through the centuries Christians have gathered at that time to pray for the coming of the Holy Spirit. ‘Thy Kingdom Come’ picks up this tradition. Over the years more and more worshipping communities have dedicated the days between Ascension and Pentecost to pray ‘Come Holy Spirit’.’