Celtic Devotions 30th December

Reading :   John 20
Meditation :  consider all that happened to Peter, John, Mary, Thomas…
….and the other disciples in that room!
…and then pray in joyful response!
O God of Israel, Judah and of Isaiah,
I am so thirsty, so hungry.
I come to You – satisfy me fully I so cry!
Help me trust Your thoughts, Your ways, Your Word
For my life, for others – for this day ahead of me.
And may I burst into songs of praise indeed!!
Amen – we pray together in Jesus’ name.

Take time and listen for what God is saying to you – at this time of the year.
LORD, Master, speak to me by name…. Amen.

Reading :  John 20 v 8
Reflect on the LORD, your God
And then Pray to Him in response.
LORD, I believe…hear my evening prayer.

Celtic Devotions 29th December

Reading :  John 19
Meditation :   take time and consider Jesus, the Suffering Saviour for our sakes
…then pray humbly in response for what you read, and for what God has done in Jesus.
(Pray your own words to the Lord
In worship and thanks.)
O LORD our God, receive our praise and hear our prayers.

Pray God’s blessing on John and Lindsay Young
LORD, hear our prayers, and bless them real good we ask!

Reading :  John 19 vs 36-37
Reflect on these words – why do you think John wrote them?
and Pray in response at the end of the day
Lord Jesus, hear my prayer of humble gratitude.

Celtic Devotions 28th December

Reading :   John 17 vs 20-26
Meditation :  consider Jesus’ prayer here for all believers
– and then pray to be a part of it all anew!
(Pray your own words
Of worship
For understanding and of need
For truth in following Jesus – in your world
Our Living Hope)

Pray a blessing on those who are struggling in their faith in God
LORD God of all hope, hear our prayers.

Reading :  John 17 v 20
Reflect …. And Pray for another believer, or group of believers in our world.
LORD God, our God, in Your mercy, hear my prayer.

Celtic Devotions 27th December

Reading :  John 17 vs 6-19
Meditation :  consider Jesus’ prayer for His disciples
Pray to this Jesus, as one of His followers
Lord Jesus, my Lord,
I read these words
Help me understand them
And make me a living part of Your plans
Among Your people – In our world
With Your joy!
In Your name I ask, Amen.

Pray the Prayer of the Kirk Member this month as your prayer.
LORD, hear my prayer

Reading :  John 17 v 13
Reflect on these words again and then pray in response – with joy!
LORD, my God,
For all of today I thank You.
As I have opened my lips to praise You
So may my heart be ever open to Your Kingdom purposes.
And may Your joy ever be mine, even overflowing to others!
Amen I pray at the end of the day.

Celtic Devotions 26th December

Reading :  John 17 vs 1-5
Meditation :  consider how God is glorified through Jesus!
–  and then Praise God – in prayer – or song?
(Pray your own words at the start of this day
Of praise and of trust
That Jesus’ name is lifted high – wherever you are today )
In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Pray for the church to know a Sunday blessing tomorrow as we gather together
Father God, our God, in Your mercy, hear our prayers.

Reading : John 17 vs 1-5
Reflect on these words again, and Pray in response to this Jesus
O LORD, hear my evening prayer.

Celtic Devotions 25th December

Reading :  John 16 vs 5-16
Meditation :   Give thanks on Christmas Day for God’s gifts
– His Son, Jesus and the Holy Spirit to all those who believe        
and then pray, with much thanks, to receive.
Giving God
Thank you
Thank you
Thank you
For today – and all Your gifts!
In Jesus’ wonderful name,  Amen.

Pray for peace among the nations of our world
O God, of good and perfect gifts, hear our prayers!

Reading :  John 16 vs 13-15
Reflect on these words again at the end of your day
Pray in response to receive afresh…even today!
O Lord, my Saviour God, hear my prayer on this – Your Special – Day.