Celtic Devotions 19th July


Reading : Psalm 89 vs 1-8
Meditation :   consider all that God is – as you ponder on these verses
Pray in worship to Him, the Mighty One
Praise indeed to the LORD, the Almighty One, the King of all creation.
Praise we bring to the LORD God, above all things reigning.
Praise to our God for His daily goodnesses and mercy even to us.
Praise to the LORD, my God.
Amen we say together.

Pray a blessing on the life and work of St Giles’ Cathedral in our city

Reading : Psalm 89 v 8
Reflect on how God is described here and then
Pray in response to Him
(Pray your own words at the end of this day
Words of worship and praise
Words of trust and thanks)
Amen we pray together.

Celtic Devotions 18th July


Reading :  Ephesians 1 vs 15-23
Meditation :   consider these verses  –  slowly
and then pray for them to be true for you – even from today
(Pray your own words in response to what you have read and meditated on)
In and through Christ Jesus we pray, Amen.

Pray the Prayer for the Month as your own prayer.

Reading :  Ephesians 1 vs 17-18
Reflect on Paul’s words to the church at Ephesus and pray to receive.

Celtic Devotions 17th July


Reading :  Ephesians 1 vs 3-14
Meditation :  consider these great truths – and spend time giving praise to our God
We can but praise You, O God,
From whom all blessings do flow,
In heaven above and here on earth below.
We praise You Father, Son and Holy Spirit
And return our thanks to You.
Amen we say this morning together.

Pray with thanksgiving for the gift of the Holy Spirit

Reading :  Ephesians 1 v 3
Reflect on this treasure-filled-verse
And Pray in response with thanks – counting your blessings!

Celtic Devotions 16th July


Reading :   2 Samuel 6 vs 16-23
Meditation :   consider how and why Michal reacted
Pray to be more like David and less like Michal
Search my heart
My mind and thoughts
My motives and plans
Make me more like Jesus
And less like me
In every way
Amen, I humbly ask.

Pray for Jesus to use you to reach out to others – even today

Reading :  2 Samuel 6 v 16
Imagine seeing these events. Reflect on these words and pray for a pure heart

Celtic Devotions 15th July


Reading :  2 Samuel 6 vs 12-15
Meditation :  consider why David responded like this
Pray in worship to God
Spirit of the Living God,
Teach me how to worship.
Set my hands and feet and all that I am
Moving in praise and worship to Jehovah, my God.
Even this day – even now – even where I am!
In Jesus’ name I ask,   Amen.

Pray a blessing from God on Holyrood, the First Minister and our MSPs  

Reading :  2 Samuel 6 v 12
Reflect on this verse, what happened and pray your evening prayer – with rejoicing!

Celtic Devotions 14th July


Reading :  2 Samuel 6 vs 9-11
Meditation :  consider who was blessed – and why
Pray in response to know God’s blessing this day
LORD God, Holy God, Father God,
You know and hear all my thoughts,
May my meditations be pleasing to You.
I ask for Your blessing,
Even this day.
Amen I pray in Jesus’ name.

Make the Lord’s Prayer your midday Prayer

Reading :  2 Samuel 6 v 9
Reflect on this verse at the end of your day and pray in response.