A Call to Evening Prayer with Others

As your Monday closes you are invited to pause and pray with others in our Church Family as the new week has begun

You may want to revisit the Daily Devotions for today from JOHN 4 verses 1-42

You are encouraged to follow the pattern of P-R-A-Y which we have found to be a blessing from Lectio365/24-7 Prayer

P ause in God’s presence – acknowledge He is with you where you are

R ejoice in the blessings of this day He has given

A sk
for His help – for yourself and for a situation/person known to you at this time

Y ield to His Kingdom will for tomorrow – say yes!

Daily Devotions for Monday 22nd November, 2021

Look Upward and Pray to hear and receive from Jesus, Son of God, Son of Man

Reading : JOHN 4 verses 1-42

Meditation : take time to consider these particular words and events as your day starts.
Notice who asks for what.
Look at what answers Jesus gives.

Then Pray in response to this God we believe and trust in

P-ause with Jesus
R-ejoice in His presence with you
A-sk for this life-giving water
Y-ield to His ways

In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Pray God’s blessing on the work of Open Doors in Arabian Peninsula
God of grace and mercy and rich blessing, hear our prayers we ask.

Reading : read these verses again from JOHN 4
Reflect prayerfully on what you read and then pray to our God in response

Lord Jesus
Meet with me this evening
Where I am
Talk with me
Hear my questions
Give to me this life-giving water
And use me to bring others to you

A Call to Evening Prayer with Others

As your Wednesday closes you are invited to pause and pray with others in our Church Family as we journey through this week

You may want to revisit the Daily Devotions for today from 1 JOHN 1 v5- ch.2 v6

You are encouraged to follow the pattern of A-C-T-S which many have found to be a blessing and a help

A doration … taking a few moments to bring your evening words of praise and worship to our God

C onfession … of the sins of this day

T hanksgiving … for the blessings of this day … and for forgiveness received

S upplication or Asking … for a situation…or another person in need at this time

In Jesus’ Name

Daily Devotions for Wednesday 29th September, 2021

Look Upward and Pray to hear and receive from Father God

Reading : 1 JOHN 1 verse 5 – ch.2 verse 6

Meditation : We pause with Father God this morning.
We consider His written Word today.

Then take the time to Pray to this God, our God of love and forgiveness
Look again at verse 9 as you turn to prayer

In Jesus’ Name

Pray God’s blessing on those who serve and volunteer in the Kirkgate Cafe
O LORD God, have mercy on each and all and hear our prayers this day.

Reading : read these verses again from 1 JOHN 1 verse 5 – ch.2 verse 6
Reflect on the words…. And then pray to the LORD our Father God

Father God
We believe and trust in you

We need you
We confess our sins
And the sins of our nation and our world
We receive your love and forgiveness
We ask your help for tomorrow

We ask in Jesus’ name, Amen.

A Call to Sunday Evening Prayer with Others

As your Sunday closes you are invited to pause and pray with others in our Church Family as we step into a new week

You may want to revisit the Daily Devotions for today from JOHN 20 verses 19-23

You are encouraged to follow the pattern of P-R-A-Y which we have found to be a blessing from Lectio365/24-7 Prayer

P ause in God’s presence – acknowledge He is with you where you are

R ejoice in the blessings of this day He has given

A sk
for His help – for yourself and for a situation/person known to you at this time

Y ield to His Kingdom will for tomorrow – say yes!

An Evening Prayer from Lectio365/24-7 Prayer
‘Slowing my breath and relinquishing my worries,
I open my hands to pray…

Come Holy Spirit to my mind
I receive your comfort
Come Holy Spirit to my heart
I receive your peace
Come Holy Spirit to my soul
I receive the Father’s love for me’

Amen we say together