Daily Devotions for Saturday 13th July, 2024

Look Upward and Pray to hear and receive from God, the Holy Spirit

Reading : PSALM 111

Meditation : take the time to consider these particular words this Saturday morning.
Praise the LORD!

Which words stay with you as your day starts?
What is your song of praise this morning?

And then take time to Pray in response to the LORD our God
Honestly, humbly.

Amen we pray together this new day.

Pray the Lord’s Prayer as your own midday prayer

Our Father, who art in heaven
Hallowed be Your Name.
Your kingdom come
Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread
And forgive us our sins
As we forgive those who sin against us.
Lead us not into temptation
But deliver us from evil.
For Yours is the kingdom, the power and the glory.
Now and for ever

Reading : read the verses again from PSALM 111
Reflect on this song of praise…. and then Pray in response to this God we believe in

Praise the LORD!

In Jesus’ name, Amen!

Daily Devotions for Sunday 30th June, 2024

Look Upward and Pray to hear and receive from the Living God

Reading : PSALM 92
we take time to consider these words this Sunday morning ….
A Psalm of praise!

What is your song of praise today?

And then pray in response to this God

In Jesus’ Name, Amen!


Pray the Prayer for the Month as your own midday prayer

O LORD our God

Teach us how
To trust You with all our heart
and lean not on our own understanding;

Help us
In all our ways to submit to You,
and know You will make our paths straight.

For we believe and trust in You
Father, Son and Holy Spirit

Amen and Amen


Reading : read these words again from PSALM 92
Reflect on these words of praise and then Pray in response at the end of your day

O LORD, our Great Hope,
We bring our evening sacrifice of praise to you
For who you are
As we acknowledge You our Help even this past month
As we name others in need
As we pray for the Church in all corners of our world
To live and speak and sing out of Jesus.
In His saving name, Amen!

Daily Devotions for Saturday 10th February, 2024

Look Upward and Pray to hear and receive from God, the Holy Spirit

Reading : EXODUS chapter 15
Meditation : take time to consider this song of praise this morning.
The song of Moses and Miriam
“I will sing to the LORD…”

What encourages and challenges you today?
What is God saying to you about Himself?

And then Pray in response
With a song of thanksgiving for…..and ……

I look up to you,
Up to heaven, where you rule.

Hear my morning prayer of thanksgiving
Hear the morning prayers of your people

In Jesus’ name.

Pray the Lord’s Prayer as your midday prayer

Our Father, who art in heaven
Hallowed be Your Name.
Your kingdom come
Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread
And forgive us our sins
As we forgive those who sin against us.
Lead us not into temptation
But deliver us from evil.
For Yours is the kingdom, the power and the glory.
Now and for ever

Reading : read these verses again from EXODUS chapter 15
Reflect on these words as you look back over the day and then Pray in response

I look up to you,
Up to heaven, where you rule.

Hear my evening prayer of thanksgiving
Hear the evening prayers of your people

In Jesus’ name.
Amen and Amen

Daily Devotions for Thursday 21st December, 2023

Look Upward and Pray to hear and receive from Father God

Reading : ISAIAH chapter 63 verses 7-19
Meditation : take time and consider these particular words this morning.
Prayer and Praise
‘Look down from heaven…’

Which words stay with you?
What are your words of prayer and praise today?

Then pause to pray to this God – who looks down from heaven


Pray God’s blessing on friends and family members
God of grace…hear our prayers and pour out blessings we ask

Reading : read these verses again from ISAIAH chapter 63 verses 7-19
Reflect on the words and images – at the end of your day
and Pray with honest words in response to this God – our God

People will speak of your mighty deeds,
and I will proclaim your greatness.
They will tell about all your goodness
and sing about your kindness.
The LORD is loving and merciful,
slow to become angry and full of constant love.
He is good to everyone
and has compassion on all he made.

O LORD, hear our evening prayers
As we ask, seek and knock on heaven’s door
With our words of praise
In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Daily Devotions for Tuesday 29th August, 2023

Upper Room day and evening Gathering for Prayer

Look Upward and Pray to hear and receive from Jesus, Saviour and Lord

Reading : PSALM 103
Praise the LORD, my soul!

What words or images stay with you?

Pray in response to what you have read
Looking again at verses 1-5
Taking time to pause and listen for God’s answer to you

I call to the LORD for help;
I plead with him.
I bring him all my complaints;
I tell him all my troubles.

Praise the LORD my soul for……and……

In Jesus’ name,

Take time to listen for God to speak with you at this time of day
Ask, seek, knock….hear!
Father God…thank you.


Reading : read PSALM 103 again – in another version?
Reflect on the truths behind the words…. and then Pray….to the LORD our God
Looking again at verses 1-5

I call to the LORD for help;
I plead with him.
I bring him all my complaints;
I tell him all my troubles.

In Jesus’ name.
Amen and Amen.

Daily Devotions for Thursday 10th August, 2023

Look Upward and Pray to hear and receive from Father God

Reading : PSALM 33
Meditation : take time and consider this part of the Bible this morning.
A Song of Praise!

What is your song this morning?
What words stay with you?

And then pray in response – as your day starts
With your song of praise!

In Jesus’ name, Amen!

Pray God’s blessing on the Bible Society in Brazil
Father God…hear our prayers and bless this work we ask.

Reading : read this passage again from PSALM 33
Reflect on the verses and images at the end of your day
and Pray in response to God – with your evening song of praise!

O LORD, hear our evening prayers
As we return our thanks to you
For all your good gifts to us
For our trust and hope is in you
In Jesus’ name, Amen.