Thy Kingdom Come #Praise

As a Church we recently took part in the global prayer venture of Thy Kingdom Come.

Each Saturday at 12 noon we are continuing to ask and seek and knock on Heaven’s door…..Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done…..and to pray for up to 5 people we know to meet with Jesus and to experience God’s Kingdom reign in their lives.

This week we focus on the theme of PRAISE as we pause to pray.

Praise God – for who He is!

Praise God – for His kingdom blessings to you!

Call to Evening Prayer

Thy Kingdom Come prayer venture
You are invited to pause and pray with us

Reading : read the passage again from MATTHEW 6 verses 9-15
Reflect on the words spoken here and then pray in response to our God

O LORD our God, hear our evening prayers of praise
As we return our thanks to you
For those you have met with
Even today
Thy Kingdom Come
Thy will be done
In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Call to Midday Prayer

Thy Kingdom Come prayer venture
You are invited to pause and pray with us

The ThyKingdomCome daily theme today is PRAISE

Pray with Praise to the Living God!
Praise Him for who He is!

O Wonderful and Glorious God,
To you we raise our songs of praise
Praise my soul the King of Heaven!
In Jesus’ name
Amen and Amen!

Daily Devotions for Friday 22nd May, 2020

Thy Kingdom Come prayer venture
You are invited to pray with us at 12 noon

Look Upward and Pray to hear and receive from Jesus

Reading : MATTHEW 6 verses 9-15

Meditation : take time and consider all that is said here by Jesus about Prayer
Which words of His stay with you?
What is your response to Him?

Then pause to Pray to this Father God of ours in response
Including for others on a journey praying with God at this time

O Father God,
I read these words.
Help me let the Holy Spirit work out these truths
Even today.
May you guide and bless others
At this time in their lives
As they turn to you in prayer
Even today

Amen – we pray together.

The ThyKingdomCome daily theme today is PRAISE
Pray with Praise to the Living God!
Praise Him for who He is!

O Wonderful and Glorious God,
To you we raise our songs of praise
Praise my soul the King of Heaven!
In Jesus’ name
Amen and Amen!


Reading : read this passage again from MATTHEW 6 verses 9-15
Reflect on the words spoken here and then pray in response to our God

O LORD our God, hear our evening prayers of praise
As we return our thanks to you
For those you have met with
Even today
Thy Kingdom Come
Thy will be done
In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Thy Kingdom Come #Praise

As a Church family we have been revisiting the 11 themes of the Thy Kingdom Come Prayer venture each Saturday morning.

This venture runs for the 11 days leading up to Pentecost and this year will be 21-31 May.

This morning we are encouraged to pause and pray – with words and songs of Praise!

Praise God from whom all blessings flow!

Praise my soul the King of Heaven!

Praise Him!
Praise Him!

To God be the glory great things He has done!

Thy Kingdom Come #Praise

As a church family at Liberton Kirk we have been revisiting the 11 themes from the Thy Kingdom Come prayer venture earlier in the year. We are pausing to do so together on a Saturday morning.

Today we are invited to pause and pray with praise!

Praise my soul the King of Heaven!

Praise Him! Praise Him!

Praise the name of Jesus!