Daily Devotions for Tuesday 4th April, 2023

Holy Week Upper Room day – time-out with God

Look Upward and Pray to hear and receive from Jesus, Saviour and Lord

Reading : PSALM 58
The wicked.
The righteous.

What do the words mean to you at this time?
What is God saying to you today?

Take time to Pray in response – including for others known to you in need at this time
Asking….seeking…knocking….for our world, our nation.

We can but worship you this day O LORD
We can but ask for those in need or trouble this day O LORD
As we call out to you for our world in these days
In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Take time to listen for God to speak with you at this time of day
Ask and seek and knock……and hear
Father God…thank you.

Reading : read these verses again from PSALM 58
Reflect…. and then Pray as your day closes

God of the psalmist and the God of today,
The God of eternal faithfulness
My God, our God,
Hear our evening prayers
As we thank you for your help today
As we journey from today to tomorrow
As we name others we care about before you
In Jesus’ name. Amen.

No Upper Room but

As we journey through these days of Holy Week 2023…..

At Liberton Kirk we usually set aside a Tuesday each week and provide a place with space – the UPPER ROOM – a place for time-out in our busy days above the Kirkgate Cafe. This is a safe place for you to be.

The Upper Room will NOT be available this Tuesday….but you are invited to take time-out with God at some point in this Holy Week…….and to pause with Him….reflecting…praying….

Find a quiet place…..a safe place for you and God to take time-out together.

* A space for you to be still in a busy world
** To pause and pray with God at this time – the God of all comfort, wisdom, mercy and hope
* To listen to God – Father Son and Holy Spirit – in these times

You are also invited to walk round the Kirk, pondering some of the words laid out at the various stations…..or to visit the Offering House – beside the gates – 8am-5pm each day – there are several helpful reflections and prayers – and helpful leaflets and booklets about our faith and our Kirk. There is also a Prayer Request Box situated here for you to leave your own personal requests – our Prayer Team will prayerfully support those you name.

The Daily Devotions have been taking us to a daily time of considering God’s Good News with God’s written Word – and you may want to pause to pray with others at the start of each day as we consider the truths behind the words of this part of the Bible. During April our focus continues on the theme of Telling Others the Good News from Mark’s Gospel after Easter and dipping into Psalms this week. This is available on the Kirk website blog and our social media pages on Facebook and Twitter from 7am- and in the church magazine.

And – don’t forget the brief Sunday morning Reflection at 8am…….and you can still revisit Thy Kingdom Come global prayer venture daily reflections on our YouTube channel…..from our Prayer Ministry Team providing a reflection over the 11 days period

May we each and all experience time-out with the Living and True God – whenever – wherever – as we journey through the month of April 2023.

Thy Kingdom Come – at Midday – Cheeky Pandas!

As a Church we were part of the global prayer venture earlier last year – Thy Kingdom Come.

This prayer continues around the world and the ThyKingdomCome prayer venture runs 18-28 May this year.

Each Sunday at Midday we are re-visiting one of the 11 daily themes….and this time we revisit the video that was released for younger viewers…..on the theme of THANKS

Daily Devotions for Friday 31st March, 2023

Look Upward and Pray to hear and receive from Jesus

Reading : MATTHEW chapter 28
Meditation : take time and consider all that happens here!
The Resurrection!
Jesus appears!

What images or words stay with you?
What is God teaching/reminding you?

And then Pray with your own words to this God of ours in response

And so we bring our sacrifice of praise to you, our God Most High.
For Resurrection power!
For Resurrection life!
For Resurrection commission!

Amen and Amen – we pray together!


We rejoice with those who have heard good news recently
Father God, hear our prayers of rejoicing and bless them real good we ask!

Reading : read this passage again from MATTHEW chapter 28
Reflect on the words written here and pray in response to the LORD our Risen One!

And so we bring our sacrifice of evening praise to you, our God Most High.
For Resurrection power!
For Resurrection life!
For Resurrection commission!

Amen and Amen – we pray together as we step into a new month!

Daily Devotions for APRIL 2023

…Jesus said to them, “Go throughout the whole world and preach the gospel to all mankind.”
Mark 16 verse 15

During 2022 we were looking daily at the theme of GOOD NEWS as we journeyed with Paul through his letter to the ROMANS.

In 2023, we are looking at TELLING OTHERS THE GOOD NEWS with Matthew, Mark, Luke and John and pausing at our times of Midday Devotion to pray for others in our church family, our city and our world.

In April we journey with MARK after Easter.

We are all invited to listen for God’s voice and make our response as we journey together in our ‘rhythm of devotion’ in 2023.

These Devotions are but one way to feed on God’s Word in the morning, at midday, in the evening… to pray with Him continually through the day and even to share with others the treasures or hurdles you discover.
The Church website and Facebook page (even on a handy mobile) provide a fuller daily devotional page. However it all follows the pattern below which the information provided fits into, based on the Kirk’s origins of the Celtic and Northumbrian traditions which we started as a church family in 2015.

Reading and Meditation on the content and Prayer of response
Prayer – mostly for others
Verse(s) from the morning reading
Reflection and Prayer at the end of the day

A Prayer for the Month of APRIL

Dear Lord,
After Your humiliation, You walked steadfastly on
to a certain painful and brutal death.
You were afraid for You sweated blood with anguish,
but You still went on so that all those of us who truly believe
may rise to be with You at the end of our mortal journey.
We praise You and joyously give thanks to You for Your steadfastness.

The Lord’s Prayer

Our Father, who art in heaven
Hallowed be Your Name.
Your kingdom come
Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread
And forgive us our sins
As we forgive those who sin against us.
Lead us not into temptation
But deliver us from evil.
For Yours is the kingdom, the power and the glory.
Now and for ever