An update from Anna

This year we have the incredible opportunity to start the first Scottish Young Life camp at Loch Monzievaird in July 2015. So the last couple of weeks have been busy meeting with young people and their families, telling them about camp and inviting the young people to come. The official sign up date was the first of April but we have booked a couple of extra spaces with the confidence that God will fill them with the right young people. It has been great feeling the buzz about it this early and seeing the young people so engaged and energetic at the fundraisers. Camp is such a great opportunity to share not just a week of amazing fellowship with the young people but also to share the gospel with them. There are a lot of young people who haven’t decided to follow Christ yet, so please pray with us that God would speak to them during such an awesome week. Please also pray that the last spaces would be filled and the preparations for it would go smoothly, July seems so far away and yet time runs so quickly especially if it’s sunny!10469230_447759798697967_3723057935871618358_n