Daily Devotions for 21st April 2017


Look Upward and Pray to hear and receive from Jesus

Reading :   Isaiah 53 verses 10-12

Meditation : consider the words here as your day starts.
Compare verse 10 to verse 12 – what do you take from them?
How is the Suffering Servant rewarded?

Pray to this Servant King this morning! 

Praise my soul
The King of heaven!
Hallelujahs sing to Jesus!
Risen and anointed One!

Amen – we sing out together.


Pray God’s blessing on believers wrestling with an addiction
Father God, hear our prayers and rescue them we ask 


Reading : read these words again from the end of chapter 53

Reflect on this God who was at work through Jesus and pray in response to Him
LORD, our God, hear our evening prayers.

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