Thy Kingdom Come #advent #wonder #joy

As part of the Thy Kingdom Come prayer venture earlier this year we have been pausing on a Saturday morning and asking, seeking and knocking on heaven’s door.

Today, as Christmas weekend dawns, we are encouraged to find a place and space and pray to the God of CHRISTmas wonder and joy for our world and ourselves at this season of Advent and Christmas.

Oh Father God at this time of the year we pray for the wonder and joy of the Christmas message to be spoken out and found and treasured in our world and in the lives of those we name before you – especially in those situations where wonder has been rationalized and joy has been deeply lost. Shine Jesus shine, flow river flow, songs of joy ring out!  We ask these things in Jesus’ name,  Amen.

#ThyKingdomCome #advent #wonder #joy

> Sign-up for the Church of Scotland online advent here Journey daily with characters in the Nativity through video, reflection and prayer #togetherwepray

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