Celtic Devotions 29th June


Reading :   Mark 5 vs 1-20
Meditation :  consider all that happened here – and pray!
O LORD our God,
How we wish we had been there!
Thank you for changing that man’s life but
Hear all our questions
And pour out Your answers
We pray this day.
Amen and amen!

Pray a blessing on David McNeish and his family – up in Orkney

Reading :  Mark 5 v 20
Reflect on what the man would say to others –
and pray in response to Jesus at the end of your day

Celtic Devotions 28th June


Reading :  Psalm 130
Meditation :  consider these eight verses – and all they teach about our God
and Pray …….to be a waiter
Father God, thank you for this Sunday.
Thank you for Jesus.
Thank you for the gift of Your written Word.
I open my arms, my mind and soul
To receive all You have for me.
In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Pray a blessing on Alistair Keil, who was preaching today at LK

Reading :    Psalm 130
Reflect on how God has blessed you today and pray to Him
Father God,
For all of today
I thank You.
I put my trust and hope in You,
Forgive my sins
And rest in Your unfailing love.
In Jesus’ wonderful name,  Amen.

Celtic Devotions 27th June


Reading :  1 Samuel 17 vs 38-58
Meditation :  consider how God defeats giants – often using people like David
Pray for faith and strength – like David!
(Pray your own words at the start of this day)
In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Pray for the church to know a Sunday blessing tomorrow as we gather together

Reading :  1 Samuel 17 v 45
Reflect on these words and pray in response to the LORD God Almighty

Celtic Devotions 26th June


Reading :  1 Samuel 17 vs 26-37
Meditation :  consider David, a lad of great faith in his God
and Pray
Make me more like David
Strengthen my faith in You
And even this day use me.
In Jesus’ name I ask.

Pray a blessing of God’s grace on John and Lindsay

Reading :  1 Samuel 17 v 37
Reflect on this verse and
Pray with thanks how God has helped you – even today?

Celtic Devotions 25th June

Reading :  1 Samuel 17 vs 12-25
Meditation :  consider how David enters the scene
and Pray to be where God wants you to be – and in His timing
God of history,
Of David and Goliath,
We worship You.
God of today,
Of technology and corporate finance,
We trust in You.
Help us to be where and when You want us to be
Even this day –  Amen we pray together.

Make the Lord’s Prayer your Thursday midday prayer.

Reading :  1 Samuel 17 v 24
Reflect on what makes you fearful
and Pray to God, honestly.

Celtic Devotions 24th June


Reading : 1 Samuel 17 vs 1-11
Meditation : consider the problem
Pray in response to know God with you this day – whatever the circumstances
Faithful and strong God
I give You this day
Whatever is ahead
And all that I am expecting.
Stay with me I ask.
Amen – we pray together.

Say nothing – take time to listen for God to speak with you
even for a few moments in the middle of the day.

Reading : 1 Samuel 17 v 11
Reflect on this scene
and Pray in response.