Celtic Devotions 9th February ’16


Pray to hear and receive from Father God
Reading : Psalm 119 verses 65-72
Meditation : take time and consider verse 68 in particular – God is good, He does good
and therefore His laws are good.

Pray in response to this God, letting go of anything He says is not good….ask, listen, trust, let go!
Father God
Hear me
Help me
Make me more like Jesus
And less of self
I pray in His great name, Amen.


Pray for those using the Upper Room today – time and space with God
Lord, hear our prayers


Reading : read verses 71 and 72 again

Reflect on these 2 verses again at the end of your day and then pray in response –
Father God, hear our evening prayers.


Celtic Devotions 8th February ’16


Pray to hear and receive from God
Reading : Psalm 119 verses 57-64
Meditation : consider God’s commands taught here…

And then take time to pray to keep in step, in the right direction, on God’s path, not distracted
Hear my prayer
And help me to keep in step with the Holy Spirit, even this day.


Pray with thanksgiving for your faith in God, through Jesus – thru all the ups and downs!
Lord, hear my prayer!


Reading : read verses 57 and 59 again

Reflect on these words at the end of the day and then pray in response
LORD God, hear our prayers

Celtic Devotions 7th February ’16


Pray to hear and receive from the God who keeps His word
Reading : Psalm 119 verses 49-56
Meditation : consider God’s Word that brings hope and comfort

Pray in response to this faithful God of promise…using verse 52?
(Pray your morning worship to this God in your own words
Words of thanks for His promises
In His Word, the Bible
Through Christ Jesus, His Son)
Amen and amen we say together.


Pray God’s blessing on LK’s twinned church – Canning Methodist Church, in Malaysia
Lord, bless this church we pray. 


Reading : read verse 55 again

Reflect on these words again – and pray in response to the LORD God
God of promise, come into my prayer of praise and worship to You.
Thank you for today, and as I count my daily blessings
Help me to trust Your words more
And to stand my life afresh on Your promises in Jesus, Name above all names.
Amen I pray.

Celtic Devotions 6th February ’16


Pray to hear and receive from Father God.
Reading : Psalm 119 verses 41-48
Meditation : consider how the psalmist is in a good place here in these verses

Pray to be so too…and worship our God, the Living God….see verse 48 again
Father God
We declare that we love Your commands
And seek to live them out in our lives, with Your help.
Hear our prayers
And answer us in ways that surpass ourselves
So that You alone have all the glory!
Amen we dare to pray this new day.


Make the Lord’s Prayer your prayer at this time of the day
(the words can be found in Matthew 6 vs 9-13 or online at LK website under Prayer tab)


Reading : read verses 41-48 again

Reflect on God’s unfailing love, at the end of your day and Pray to Him in response
O LORD, hear our prayers.


Celtic Devotions 5th February ’16


Pray to hear and receive from God, the Holy Spirit
Reading : Psalm 119 verses 33-40
Meditation :  consider where our eyes and heart are focussed

Pray the verses as your response to God
God of the psalmist,
My God,
Hear my morning prayer I ask
In Jesus’ Name, Amen


Pray for the work of Bethany Christian Trust, reaching out to others across Scotland
God of love and grace, hear our prayers.


Reading : read verse 37 again

Reflect……. and Pray to God
LORD God, hear my evening prayer.

Celtic Devotions 4th February ’16


Pray to hear and receive from the Living God
Reading : Psalm 119 verses 25-32
Meditation :  consider these words of struggle in the psalmist’s life

Pray to hold fast to God and His ways – use verses 31 and 32 in your prayer
O God of good days and hard times
Thank you that, with You, I can hold fast and even run.
Help me in my struggles
When my soul is weary
And when I cannot see Your light
In Jesus’ Name I pray these words, Amen.


Pray for someone you know struggling in their life at this time
God of grace, hear my prayer.


Reading : read verses 25-32 again

Reflect on your day – then pray in response and worship and trust to God
God, our God, hear our prayers.