Celtic Devotions 20th October


Reading :  Jeremiah 17 vs 5-8
Meditation :   consider why trusting in God is best
Pray to do so…. more and more
(Pray your own words to the LORD God
In praise and confession
For yourself, for others.)
O LORD, receive our praise and hear our prayers.

Pray for those using the Upper Room today

Reading :  Jeremiah 17 vs 7+8
Reflect on what these verses say to you
And then Pray in response to God, who knows you so well

Celtic Devotions 19th October


Reading :   Jeremiah 14 vs 10-16
Meditation :  consider God’s strong words here– about His own people
pray for understanding
O LORD our God,
We read these verses this morning.
Teach us their meaning
For my life,
For our lives as Your people.
Help us to trust and obey afresh.
Amen and amen!

Pray for someone outside of the church family you know

Reading :  Jeremiah 14 v 10
Reflect on this verse
and pray in response not to wander from God

Celtic Devotions 18th October


Reading :  Psalm 95
Meditation :  take time and consider Psalm 95 – consider God, the LORD,
the great God, the Rock of our salvation –
Pray in response to these verses – pray a blessing on our Kirk
As we open our hearts to You this morning
Help us to see You – glorious and majestic!
Help us to rejoice and be glad in You
And to fear You aright in our faith
That You might bless us anew – even today!
Amen and amen we pray together.

Pray a blessing on someone who has hurt you

Reading :  Psalm 95 vs 6+7
Reflect on how God has blessed you this day and pray to Him in worship and thanks!
LORD God, our great God,
For all of today I thank You.
As I put my trust and hope in You alone,
Even for those things that cause me fear and concern at the end of this day
Help me to rest in knowing who You are – my Rock, my King, my God, my Maker.
You are great indeed and I bow before You at the end of my day.
In Jesus’ powerful name,  Amen.

Celtic Devotions 17th October


Reading :  Psalm 94
Meditation :  consider how God deals with the wicked here
Pray to understand God’s Word and His ways
(Pray your own words at the start of this day
Of praise and trust
For understanding and
For others)
In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Pray for Edinburgh to experience God’s saving grace
Amen we pray together

Reading :  Psalm 94 vs 17-19
Reflect on these words about God’s love, help and consolation
and pray in response at the end of your day

Celtic Devotions 16th October


Reading :  Jeremiah 13 vs 1-11
Meditation :  consider the use of the linen belt and then
Pray not to be stubborn with God
Thank you that You are involved in my life.
Show me Your ways even this day.
Forgive my stubborn self
And make me flexible to Your touch
Willing and ever ready to Your voice.
In Jesus’ name I ask.

Pray with thanksgiving for your faith in God – through all the ups and downs

Reading :  Jeremiah 13 vs 10+11
Reflect on these words about Judah’s stubbornesss and
Pray in response

Celtic Devotions 15th October


Reading :  Jeremiah 11 vs 1-10
Meditation : consider what Judah did wrong – in God’s eyes
Pray to be faithful to God
God of Jeremiah, Judah and Israel
Our God,
Hear our morning prayers
And have mercy we ask
Forgive our broken promises to You
And help us, oh help us to be true and faithful to You – every day.
In Jesus’ name –  Amen.

Pray for Jesus to use you to reach out to others
– even today at home, work, school, rest, play or at the Café?

Reading :  Jeremiah 11 v 10
Reflect… on broken promises made to God – and others and Pray in response