Daily Devotions for June 2016


‘But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people belonging to God….’
1 Peter 2 verse 9            

As we continue to move through the year you are encouraged to take time each day and use the devotional guide provided – when we travel through the books of 1 & 2 TIMOTHY and 1 & 2 PETER this month. These letters from Paul and Peter were written as encouragements – to a younger man growing in his Christian life and to churches facing trying times.

The Devotions are but one way to feed on God’s Word in the morning, at midday, in the evening… to pray with Him continually through your day and even to share with others the treasures or hurdles you discover. The Church website and Facebook page (even on a handy mobile) provide a fuller daily devotional page. However it all follows the pattern below which the information provided fits into, based on the Kirk’s own origins of the Celtic and Northumbrian traditions.

Reading and Meditation on the theme
Prayer of response to the Word

Prayer – mostly for others

Verse(s) from the morning reading
Reflection on the day and Prayer


A Prayer for the Month

A Prayer for the Month of June

Holy and Gracious God
We praise and adore You
For who You are 

Loving and Merciful Saviour
We trust and follow You
Above all others 

Spirit of Truth and power
We need You
We need You 

To make us more like Jesus
That we might be holy like You are
To be pleasing to Father God
In every way 

Amen we cry out
This day and every day.
Until he comes!
Amen and amen.

Anon. 2016

The Lord’s Prayer

Our Father,  in heaven,
Hallowed be Your Name.
Your kingdom come,
Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread
And forgive us our sins, As we forgive those who sin against us.
Lead us not into temptation
But deliver us from evil.
For Yours is the kingdom, the power and the glory.
Now and for ever


Sunday is Heart and Soul day in Princes Street Gardens

 On Sunday this week….22nd May 2016   :    2 – 6pm

The Heart & Soul event will happen in Princes Street Gardens as part of the annual General Assembly of the Church of Scotland….with a lot of tents and a lot more!!          (www.heartandsoul.org.uk has the full programme….and see below)

Liberton Kirk will be there among many, many other churches and groups! Will you?

Look out for the Kirk’s  Pilgrims in Prayer  tent on the East Avenue of the Gardens!

Find out what A C T S is all about!
Why will there be dancing statues, pebbles, a wall of thanksgiving and tea-lights???

Please put the date in your diary…plan to be there……but do pray for the preparations….and maybe volunteer to help handing out leaftets or praying for/with others?  (Alastair Cameron or John Young can give you more details)


Ross Bandstand will be the main focus apart from the West and East Avenues hosting the 65 participating churches and groups.    (If the weather goes against us then the Ross Bandstand programme will be held in the Assembly Hall on the Mound.)

2.00pm  Open and Welcome
2.05pm  Sing, Sign and Celebrate! A team from Dunfermline “Prospects” group lead a short opening act of worship
3.00pm  Fischy Music – the popular children’s music group with memorable, easy to learn, fun songs that any child
                 can sing
4.00pm  Heart and Soul Swing Band – a 15-piece swing band with a mix of popular and spiritual songs
4.40pm  Procession – A gathering procession to draw people to worship
4.45pm  “Decade of Ministry” Update – The Ministries Council of the Church of Scotland provide an update on
                 their “Decade of Ministry”
5.00pm   Closing Worship –  Commencing with the parade of Presbytery Flags, a short 45-minute closing worship
                 service to round off the day’s activities

Pilgrims in Prayer at Heart and Soul

Sunday 22nd May 2016      2 – 6pm

Heart & Soul event in Princes Street Gardens as part of the annual General Assembly of the Church of Scotland!

Liberton Kirk will be there among many, many other tents! Will you?

Look out for the Pilgrims in Prayer  tent on the east side of the Gardens!

What is A C T S all about??

Why will there be dancing statues, pebbles, a wall of thanksgiving and tea-lights???

Please put the date in your diary….pray for the preparations….and maybe volunteer to help handing out leaftets or praying for/with others?  Alastair Cameron can give you more information

‘AS ONE!’ at Liberton Kirk, Royal Mile and the Parliament on Wednesday


Shield image



 ‘AS ONE!’

Wednesday 4th May 2016…….11.00am – 11.30am
Liberton Kirk, 28-30 Kirkgate, Edinburgh……after being at Holy Trinity, Wester Hailes

An opportunity for Christians to stand together “As One!” – praying from our unity in Christ for revival and transformation in Edinburgh and in Scotland, as part of the national prayer call to raise a shield of prayer over our nation in the 40 days before the Scottish Parliament elections – and beyond!

For local details contact:  Alastair Cameron     email: alastairfree@hotmail.com
For background about the prayer call and the Shield tour across Scotland :
web: www.prayforscotland.org.uk
email: admin@prayforscotland.org.uk

Also planned that day after Liberton Kirk…….

12.45pm  Assemble on the Castle Esplanade, to the left of the drawbridge as you face the Castle. All welcome.

1.00pm   Prayer walk down the Royal Mile, stopping at each Church and other significant points to pray.

4.00pm   Meet at front of Parliament for approx. an hour of praise, prayer and declaration.  All welcome.

7.30pm    ‘As One!’ praise and prayer event at Leith Baptist Church, Madeira Street.   All welcome.