Daily Devotions for 18th June, 2018

Look Upward and Pray to hear and receive from God, the Holy Spirit

Reading : EXODUS 19 – chapter 20 verse 21
Meditation : consider slowly these words as your day starts.
What do they mean for you?
What is God saying to you today?

Pray humbly in response to this God, the LORD God

(Pray your own words at the start of this day
Of praise and worship
Of confession and trust
Of understanding and need)

In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Pray God’s blessings on those struggling to please God in their daily living
O Lord…have mercy we ask.

Reading : read these words again from Exodus 19 and 20
Reflect on their meaning for you and then pray to this God, our God in response
Father God, hear my evening prayers.
Forgive my sins of this day
And equip me to live for you tomorrow.
In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Daily Devotions for Sunday 17th June, 2018

Look Upward and Pray to hear and receive from the Living God

Reading : EXODUS 13 verse 17 – chapter 14
Meditation : take time to consider these significant events in Israel’s history.
Which images or words stay with you?
What is God saying to you today from His Word?

and then pray honestly to this God in response this Sunday
asking Him to deliver you from something
thanking Him for standing on safe and dry ground!

God of wonderful miracles,
God of safety and freedom,
Our God
My God,
Hear our prayers
As we call out to you
For ourselves
And for others
In Jesus’ name,
Amen we say together.

Pray for the Church in our land to know Sunday freedom blessings!
O LORD, God of mercy, hear our cry!

Reading : read these verses again
Reflect on their meaning today for you and for others known to you….
and then Pray in response
O LORD, hear our evening prayers we ask
As we return our thanks to you on this Sunday
For Jesus
And for every blessing that is ours in Christ Jesus.

Sorry #ThyKingdomCome

In our land and across our world during May believers and followers of Jesus were invited to pause and pray for the Kingdom of God to be experienced and evidenced anew. This was a venture created by God through the Archbishop of Canterbury and others.

As part of our daily devotional rhythm we are re-visiting the 11 posts on our website and social media pages – at 8am on a Saturday morning – on the themes brought to us by the Thy Kingdom Come prayer venture leaders.

Today we are invited to pause in God’s presence – and bring Him our prayers of confession

Please take a few minutes to pray your prayers with honesty this morning.
Confess the words, action, thoughts that are brought to your mind.
Receive God’s forgiveness and cleansing.
Pause and pray for the sins of our city.

O LORD our God
Have mercy we cry out.
Forgive us when we hide behind our walls at Liberton.
In Jesus’ name, Amen

Daily Devotions for Saturday 16th June, 2018

Look Upward and Pray to hear and receive from the Living God

Reading : EXODUS 12 verses 1-42
Meditation : take time to consider these significant events.
Which images or words stay with you?
What is God saying to you today from His Word?

and then pray to this God in response this Saturday

God of release and hope,
God of provision and salvation,
God of festival and remembrance,
Hear our prayers
As we thank you for Jesus
The Lamb you sacrificed for us.
Amen we say together.

Pray God’s blessing on the Church in difficult places in our world
O LORD, God of mercy, hear our cry!

Reading : read these verses again
Reflect on their meaning today…. and then Pray in response
O LORD, hear our evening prayers we ask
As we return our thanks to you
For Jesus
For the blessings of this day.

Daily Devotions for 15th June, 2018

Look Upward and Pray to hear and receive from Jesus

Reading : EXODUS 3 – chapter 4 verse 17
Meditation : take time to consider these verses as your day starts.
Which words stay with you?

And then Pray in response….reading again verses 1-10

Living God
Oh meet with me
Speak with me
Lead even me
As I cry out to you
For the needs of others.
In Jesus’ name,
Amen – we pray together.

Pray God’s blessing on those being called by God to serve Him.
Father God, hear our prayers and bless them each real good we ask in these days.

Reading : read these verses again
Reflect slowly on the words you have just read and pray in response
Lord Jesus, hear our evening prayers
As we place ourselves available to You
As we seek Your equipping
As we call out for others in need.