Daily Devotions for 5th December, 2017

Upper Room day


Look Upward and Pray to hear and receive from God, the Holy Spirit

Reading : ISAIAH 9 verse 6

Meditation :   take time to consider the words ‘Everlasting Father’ = Jesus
What is God saying to you today? What is your response to Him? 

Pray in response – using the verse in your morning prayer

O Father God,
Eternal and true,
Thank you that you are always there for me,
Everlasting and good,
Hear our morning prayers

In Jesus’ name,
Amen we say together.


Take time to listen for God to speak with you at this time of day
Ask, seek, knock……hear

Father God…thank you.


Reading : read these words again from Isaiah

Reflect on the truths given here – and then Pray in response to our God

(Pray your own words at the end of this day
Words of worship and praise – for who God is
Words of trust and thanks – for what God has done today for you
Words of hope and longing – for what God will do in and through you – even tomorrow)

In Jesus’ name, Amen and Amen.

Daily Devotions for 4th December, 2017


Look Upward and Pray to hear and receive from the LORD God, the Eternal One

Reading : ISAIAH 9 verse 6

Meditation : take time to consider the words ‘Mighty God’ = Jesus
What is God saying to you today from His Word?
What is your response to Him?

Pray in response to this God
Especially for another in need of knowing God as Mighty at this time

LORD God, Mighty One,
We bow before You this day.
Show your power and astonish even today
As we name others before you

In Jesus’ name,


Pray God’s blessing on first time mums in our community at this time

Father God, hear our prayers and bless all real good we ask. 


Reading :   read the verse again from Isaiah 9

Reflect prayerfully on the words and pray in response…to our Mighty God

O Mighty God, hear our evening prayers.
In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Daily Devotions for Sunday 3rd December, 2017

First Sunday of Advent


Look Upward and Pray to hear and receive from God, the Holy Spirit, on this Sunday

Reading : ISAIAH 9 verse 6

Meditation : take time to consider the words ‘Wonderful Counsellor’ = Jesus
What do they mean for you?

Pray in response to this God….

Wonderful in many ways,
Receive our praise
Hear our morning prayers

In Jesus’ name .


Pray for a church near your home to know Sunday blessings

O LORD God, hear and answer our prayers.


Reading : read these words again from verse 6

Reflect on the truths beyond the words and then Pray to this God, our God

O Father, Son and Holy Spirit, hear our evening prayers
In Jesus’ name,   Amen.

Thy Kingdom Come #Advent

As part of the Thy Kingdom Come prayer venture earlier this year we have been pausing on a Saturday morning and asking, seeking and knocking on heaven’s door.

Today we are encouraged to find a place and space and pray for the Kingdom of God to be a central part of our Advent and Christmas preparations.

Oh Father God at this time of the year May Your Kingdom Come and Your will be done  – above all else – in Jesus’  name,  Amen.

#ThyKingdomCome #advent

>> Sign-up for the Church of Scotland online advent here https://t.co/AhHlg9nOHh. Journey daily with characters in the Nativity through video, reflection and prayer #togetherwepray

Daily Devotions for Saturday 2nd December, 2017


Look Upward and Pray to hear and receive from God, the Holy Spirit

Reading : ISAIAH 9 verses 1-7

Meditation : take time to consider these words from Isaiah.
Which words stay with you?
What is God saying to you today from His Word?

And then Pray in response to Him 

Thank you
For the gift of Jesus
Such a wonderful Person!

Amen and Amen we pray together.


Pray the Lord’s Prayer as your midday prayer
(See Matthew 6 or online under the Prayer tab on LK website)

Father God of grace and mercy, hear our prayers.


Reading : read these words again from Isaiah 9

Reflect on these words…. and then Pray to this God of ours

LORD God, our God, hear our prayers
As we thank you for all you have given us
And especially for Jesus
May you continue to reach and save people
Thy kingdom come, thy will be done across our world.

In Jesus’ name.   Amen.

Daily Devotions for 1st December, 2017


Look Upward and Pray to hear and receive from Jesus

Reading :   ISAIAH 7 verses 10-17

Meditation : take time to consider these verses this morning as your day starts.  What do they teach you?
What is your response to what you have read and considered? 

And then Pray in response – as God leads you
Invite and allow the Holy Spirit to bring words and images to your mind.

Amen – we pray together.


Pray God’s blessing on expectant mothers at this time

Father God, hear our prayers and bless all real good we ask at this time.


Reading : read these few verses again from Isaiah 7

Reflect carefully on the words you have just read and pray in response

Lord Jesus, hear our evening prayers