Daily Devotions for 15th May, 2017


Look Upward and Pray to hear and receive from God, the Holy Spirit

Reading : 1 Peter 1 verse 22

Meditation : consider what these words teach us – as the day starts.

What is God saying here to you about truth and love?

Pray in response – to Him – to keep on being loving

(Pray your own words at the start of this day
Of praise and worship
Of confession and trust
Of understanding and need)

In Jesus’ name, Amen.


Pray for those living and working in refugee camps across our world
O Lord…have mercy.


Reading : read this verse again

Reflect on its meaning for you and then pray to God in response
Father God, hear my prayer.

Daily Devotions for Sunday 14th May, 2017

Living in the Light of Eternity


Look Upward and Pray to hear and receive from the Living God

Reading : 1 Peter 1 verse 22 – ch.2 verse 3

Meditation : take time and consider these words of teaching.
What was God saying through Peter?
What is God saying to you today?

and then pray to this God of purity in response

God of all truth and purity,
Thank you for what I have just read
And that You haven’t finished with me yet.
Help me to please You afresh this day….
In thought and word and action.
In Jesus’ Name, Amen.


Pray God’s Sunday blessings on a church near your home
O LORD, God of mercy, hear our prayer


Reading : read these verses again

Reflect on how they apply to your life and then Pray in response to Father God

O LORD, hear our prayers we ask.

Daily Devotions for Saturday 13th May, 2017


Look Upward and Pray to hear and receive from God, the Holy Spirit

Reading : 1 Peter verses 13-21

Meditation : consider again what is said here…

What is God saying to you today?
What is your response?

And then Pray in response to Him

O God,
Hear my morning prayer
And help me I ask
To be more like Jesus
In every way.
Even today.
Amen we pray together this new day.


Pray the Lord’s Prayer as your own midday prayer
(see Matthew chapter 6 or under the Prayer tab on LK website)

Father God, hear our prayer we ask.


Reading : read these verses again

Reflect on these truths…. and then Pray in response to this God

LORD God, our God, receive our sacrifice of praise to You
And hear our evening prayers.
In Jesus’ name,   Amen.

Daily Devotions for 12th May, 2017


Look Upward and Pray to hear and receive from Jesus

Reading :   1 Peter 1 verses 20 and 21

Meditation : take time to consider these verses as your day starts.

What do they teach you? What is God saying to you about your faith and hope?
How do you respond to verse 21 in particular? 

And then Pray in response to what you read – as God leads you 

Amen – we pray together.


Pray God’s blessing on those struggling with unemployment in our land
Father God, hear our prayers and bless them real good we ask 


Reading : read these 2 verses again
Reflect slowly on the words you have just read and pray in response

Risen Lord Jesus, hear our evening prayers!

Daily Devotions for 11th May, 2017


Look Upward and Pray to hear and receive from Father God

Reading : 1 Peter 1 verses 17-19

Meditation :   take time and consider all that is said here.
What is God saying to you today from these verses?

then pray around the words of verse 19 in response

(Pray your own words to the LORD God……..)

O LORD, thank you for sending Jesus, the Lion and the Lamb


Pray God’s blessing on all the activities and groups who meet in our halls
Lord, hear our prayers and bless them all real good we ask.


Reading : read the verses again

Reflect on how the truths apply to your life….

and Pray in response – to Father God
O LORD, hear our evening prayers

Daily Devotions for 10th May, 2017


Look Upward and Pray to hear and receive from Jesus

Reading : 1 Peter 1 verses 15 and 16

Meditation : consider these 2 short verses – more than once…

What does it mean to you that God is Holy?
What do the words say to you as your day starts?

and then pray in response – to this God

O LORD our God,
Holy, holy, holy One,
Receive our sacrifice of praise this morning
And hear our prayers.
Move among Your Church afresh we ask
With Your grace and justice, mercy and forgiving love
In perfect Holiness.
And may we be careful
To give You all the praise and glory
As we see Your Kingdom come, Your will being done.
Amen and amen!


Pray for peace in our world
O LORD God, hear our prayers.


Reading : read Peter’s words here again

Reflect on what they teach you and then humbly pray in response…..
LORD God, Father God, hear our evening prayers.