Celtic Devotions 23rd September


Reading :   James 4 vs 1-6
Meditation :  consider how these verses speak to you – which verse speaks most to you?
Pray in response not to be an enemy of God
(Pray your own words
Words of response to what you have read and pondered.)
Amen – we pray together.

Say nothing – take time to listen for God to speak with you
even for a few moments in the middle of the day.

Reading :  James 4 v 6
Reflect on these words – what does it mean to be humble?
And then Pray in response.

Celtic Devotions 22nd September


Reading :  James 3 vs 13-18
Meditation :  consider what is heavenly wisdom
– pray for  understanding
Father God
I read these words
Help me understand what You are saying
Even to me
And teach me more of Your wisdom
In Jesus’ Name

Pray for the Upper Room, a place set aside to know and hear God

Reading :  James 3 v 14
Reflect on this verse
and Pray in response

Celtic Devotions 21st September


Reading :   James 3 vs 1-12
Meditation :  consider the problem with our tongues–
Pray to speak as Jesus would
O LORD our God,
Hear our prayers,
And may we be careful
With how we use our tongues
About others
And to You.
Make us truly more like Jesus when we speak.
Amen and amen!

Pray a blessing on someone outside of the church family you know

Reading :  James 3 vs 9-10
Reflect on these words
and pray in response – words of confession and of praise

Celtic Devotions 20th September


Reading :  Psalm 2
Meditation :  consider how the world sees Jesus – the Son of God
then Pray that we let Jesus shine out and through us to others around
Lord Jesus, King of kings,
As we open our hearts to You this morning
Help us to see You – glorious and majestic!
Help us to rejoice and be glad in You
And to fear You aright in our faith
That You might bless us anew – even today!
Amen and amen we pray together.

Pray the prayer for this month
(see magazine or Prayer tab on website)

Reading :  Psalm 2 vs 4-6
Reflect on how God is sovereign over all and pray to Him!
LORD God, our great God,
For all of today
I thank You.
As I put my trust and hope in You alone,
Even for those things that cause me fear and concern at the end of this day
Help me to rest in Your unfailing love and Your sovereign ways over all.
In Jesus’ powerful name,  Amen.

Celtic Devotions 19th September


Reading :  Psalm 1
Meditation :  take time and consider God’s blessings from this psalm
Pray in response to know a blessing
(Pray your own words at the start of this day
Of praise and thanksgiving
Of trust and expectation)
In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Pray for Liberton to experience God’s blessing and saving grace

Reading :  Psalm 1 v 2
Reflect on ‘the law of the LORD’ and pray in response to obey it more

Celtic Devotions 18th September


Reading :  James 2 vs 20-26
Meditation :  consider the examples of faith given by James here
Pray in response
Thank you that You are involved in my life.
Show me Your ways even this day
And help me to live more by faith
Whatever is happening around me.
In Jesus’ name I ask.

Pray with thanksgiving for your faith in God – through all the ups and downs

Reading :  James 2 v 24
Reflect on your faith and actions through this day and
Pray in response