Celtic Devotions 11th September


Reading :  James 1 vs 22-27
Meditation :  consider how we often treat God’s Word– and then
pray to listen out for God’s voice – and to obey it
(Pray your own words of response to God’s Word this morning)
Amen we say this morning together.

Pray a blessing on those who serve the community through Liberton Kirk Centre.

Reading :  James 1 vs26-27
Reflect on these verses
And Pray in response, to be Godly in speech and living

Celtic Devotions 10th September


Reading :   James 1 vs19-21
Meditation :   consider how to be quick….slow….slow….
Pray for Godly hearing, speech and anger
LORD God, Father God
Hear my words
Make me more like Jesus I humbly pray.
Forgive my foolish ways.
Amen and amen we say together.

Pray to be more like Jesus in listening and speaking – even today

Reading :  James 1 vs19-21
Reflect on these words again at the end of the day
and pray in response to God with confession and humility

Celtic Devotions 9th September


Reading :  James 1 vs 13-18
Meditation :  consider where and when temptation is close to you –
then pray to wear God’s armour at all times
Spirit of the Living God,
Help me understand these words
Help me to wear God’s armour at all times
‘Lead me not into temptation but deliver me from evil’
In Jesus’ name I ask,   Amen.

Pray a blessing on those who work in hostels across our city

Reading :  James 1 v 17
Reflect on these words and pray with thanksgiving to God the Father

Celtic Devotions 8th September


Reading :  James 1 vs 2-12
Meditation :  consider God’s answers to trials and temptations –
Pray to be patient, persevering and even joyful
These are hard words
Some days more than others
Help me
Help us
To live in their truth
Even this day.
Amen I pray in Your precious name.

Pray for someone you know in a time of trial.

Reading :  James 1 v5
Reflect on this verse at the end of your day and pray in response –
asking God for wisdom, patience – and even joy!

Celtic Devotions 7th September


Reading :  James 1 v 1
Meditation : consider how James started his letter
Pray to serve others – even by writing to them
Lord Jesus –
Take my mind
Take my hands
Take my words
Take my time
Take my whole life and use even me
Reaching out to encourage others,
Even this day.

Pray the Lord’s Prayer as your personal prayer at this time of day

Reading :  James 1 v1
Reflect on who you could write to or text or email to encourage in their faith
and pray in response to do so soon….

Celtic Devotions 6th September


Reading :  Psalm 126
Meditation :  consider…..dream…..laugh…..pray…..sing for joy!
Pray or sing or laugh in response!
(Pray your morning worship to this God in your own words
Or however He leads you)
Amen and amen we say together.

Pray God’s blessing of grace on another Edinburgh church

Reading :  Psalm 126 vs4-6
Reflect on what God has done in your life –  even today
LORD God I bring my evening prayer of praise and worship to You.
Thank you for today, and as I count my daily blessings
Help me to be more and more grateful to You,
Even at this time of day.        Amen I pray.

**  Why not take time and read through the New Testament book of James now in preparation for the next few weeks? **