Celtic Devotions 25th June

Reading :  1 Samuel 17 vs 12-25
Meditation :  consider how David enters the scene
and Pray to be where God wants you to be – and in His timing
God of history,
Of David and Goliath,
We worship You.
God of today,
Of technology and corporate finance,
We trust in You.
Help us to be where and when You want us to be
Even this day –  Amen we pray together.

Make the Lord’s Prayer your Thursday midday prayer.

Reading :  1 Samuel 17 v 24
Reflect on what makes you fearful
and Pray to God, honestly.

Celtic Devotions 24th June


Reading : 1 Samuel 17 vs 1-11
Meditation : consider the problem
Pray in response to know God with you this day – whatever the circumstances
Faithful and strong God
I give You this day
Whatever is ahead
And all that I am expecting.
Stay with me I ask.
Amen – we pray together.

Say nothing – take time to listen for God to speak with you
even for a few moments in the middle of the day.

Reading : 1 Samuel 17 v 11
Reflect on this scene
and Pray in response.

Celtic Devotions 23rd June


Reading :  1 Samuel 16 vs 14-23
Meditation :  consider David’s place in the palace
Pray to be where God wants you to be – even this day
(Pray your own words at the start of this day)
Amen we humbly pray.

Pray for those who serve others as pastoral visitors in LK

Reading :  1 Samuel 16 v 23
Reflect on this verse
and Pray your evening words

Celtic Devotions 22nd June


Reading :  Mark 4 vs 35-41
Meditation :  consider Jesus’ authority!
Pray to obey Him
Lord Jesus,
I read these words,
I need to trust You more,
I want to know Your peace.
Help me I so pray,
This new day,

Pray for someone outside of the church family you know.

Reading :  Mark 4 v 39
Reflect on what happened here…. and pray in response to Jesus

Celtic Devotions 21st June


Reading : Psalm 107 vs 1-9
Meditation :  consider how God leads His people
Pray with thanksgiving for His guidance and faithfulness to you, to us at LK
God of the psalmist
And of Israel of old
Hear our morning prayer
Of thanks
For who You are and all You have done
May Your blessings be ours this day!
Amen we say together.

Pray a blessing on all our children and young people

Reading :   Psalm 107 vs 6-7
Reflect on how God has recently guided and helped
Pray in response with thanksgiving!
(Pray your own words at the end of this day)
Amen we pray.

Celtic Devotions 20th June


Reading :  Mark 4 vs 30-32
Meditation :   consider these words –
and pray for God’s Kingdom to be seen on earth in these days
Sovereign God
You are King for ever!
Teach us Your kingly ways
And may Your kingdom come on earth –
In my life,
In Your Church,
Even this day.
In and through Christ Jesus we pray, Amen.

Pray the Prayer for the Month as your own prayer.

Reading :   Mark 4 vs 33-34
Reflect on these words and ask Jesus to explain something to you…